Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Inktober 21. #inktober #inktober2015 #drawingwithoutanet

Inktober 21. #inktober #inktober2015 #drawingwithoutanet

Little is known of the Fireworm's ecology.


  1. That is... just  so cool! <3

  2. Thanks! First time I used one of those brush pens. Reckon it gives the look of a D&D monster manual...

  3. I just can't work out how to cross post this to Dreamwidth whilst I'm mobile... Can someone post a link I can then copy?

  4. Not much is known about the Fireworm's ecology but here's what we do know.

    They're attracted to light, and are very sensitive to vibration. Pretty fierce if provoked, and protective of their territory. Heresay relates instances of fireworms attempting some form of communication, but this has never been verified.  Each year they grow another pair of legs, starting out with four.

  5. Alicia Smith
    Looks like the Fine brushpen? They can be a bit tricky, especially when new as they're so juicy! What I like best about them is that their black is very black and once dry you can use other PITT markers and watercolour over them without bleeding.
        And yes very "monster manual"-ish. :`D

  6. I like the feel of it. I agree about the black, and the water colour proof is very exciting news, I can use this! It doesn't have Fine written on it - it came with 3 other non brush pens in a set.

  7. Alicia Smith
    fortunately all the PITT pens use the same inks.  The letters on the lid usually tell you which brush or nib they are.  Looking forward to seeing more of your work with these. <3

  8. It just says B. Thanks JS Rowe ! I've promised Roslyn Smith that I'm going to do a full scene and try the water colour inks with it.

  9. Thanks Akire Bubar  It was fun to draw!
