Thursday, 4 April 2013

Catching up, I have been inactive, but never mind.

Catching up, I have been inactive, but never mind. A game of the new edition of Serenissima gave me an opportunity for an interesting depth of field shot as my trireme slowly slogged through the treacherous waters of the Mediterranean, carrying lazy sailors and precious cargoes.
#WeeklyPhotoProject2013 curated by 
Andrew Willard , Iain Harley and  Tiina Niskanen
Weekly Photo Project 2013
Week 10: Depth of Field


  1. new edition of pirates of the med cool

  2. It's a very different game Garry Winterton but really, really good. Slightly better than the original. Each ship is numbered, and the ships then move in turn by the numbers, regardless of who owns them. It's brilliant, and I have ordered it from MiLSims, as it's cheap!
