There's a fine Humble Bundle.
Originally shared by Days of Wonder
Get Ticket to Ride and Small World 2 in the Humble Weekly Bundle: Tabletops
This week¹, Humble Bundle offers a very special bundle dedicated to board gamers: the Humble Weekly Bundle: Tabletops.
If you’re not already familiar with the hugely popular Humble Bundles, it’s simple: you decide what you pay to get a big bundle of great indie games.
This bundle includes Talisman Digital Edition (with the Frostmarch Expansion), Magnifico, and Small World 2 for PC/Mac/Linux with its existing expansions. And if you pay $7 or higher, you’ll also get Ticket to Ride for PC/Mac/Linux including its current expansions, and on top of this you will also get 100% Orange Juice with a Character Pack and Catan: Creator’s Edition.
If you already own and love Ticket to Ride and Small World 2 on your PC, Mac or Linux computer, these other games are pretty cool to have; and if you own only one of them, or miss some expansions, here is the opportunity to get the whole thing at a great price!
So go ahead and check out http://www.humblebundle.com/weekly
It’s your chance to get all these games in one terrific bundle for the price of your choice AND your contribution will help support two charities – charity: water and Save the Children.
For all the specs and to learn more about the games, visit the Ticket to Ride and Small World 2 pages of the Days of Wonder Online website: http://www.dow-online.com
¹Offer ends on April 16th – 11AM PST
#Daysofwonder #HumbleBundle #TicketToRide #SmallWorld
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