Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Just a quick thank you to Ariaflame for introducing us to the Ballpoint Penguins a capella group.

Originally shared by Alicia Smith

Just a quick thank you to Ariaflame for introducing us to the Ballpoint Penguins a capella group. We went to see them last night at Casa Mondo in The Pleasure Garden, and they were really funny and a great watch.

They do very clever, funny things with old tunes and with their own original works. Highly, highly recommended. They're also selling their cd's there and have another one coming out soon. Afterward we enjoyed some of the food that was available in the Pleasure Garden, some good GF options there, mmmmm sossages.

After that, there was a spectacular sunset and lightning storm so we went and had coffee by the beach and Rob Masters  took photos.


  1. Sorry for not going last night. Life and work have been a bit muddled of late. I'd forgotten about the dentist last night, forgot about a training session I had this morning and had forgotten about a meeting I've got tomorrow.

  2. That's okay, these things happen. Perhaps you'll get another chance. Or at least there's youtube!

  3. I'm going to sit down and compile my FringeWorld wishlist maybe even tonight and get back to you about the ones you were interested in.
