Night Vale is a mysterious place full of strange people and creatures, and it appears to be where conspiracies go to breed, and there they breed true.
Despite the grave nature of some of the incidents Cecil the Announcer's voice adds humour and rich and resonant calm, and the writing is both funny, captivating and occasionally will say things that will make your brain turn itself inside out.
Anyway, you wouldn't think that such a podcast would transfer easily to the stage, but when Perth was fortunate enough to have their travelling stage show turn up at the Octagon last night, it certainly did.
The Octagon isn't a small theatre, and it was full.
Entertaining music by Dessa and Aby Wolf as introduction to the evening, and later as The Weather - not music I would have thought I'd enjoy but the darkly sardonic wit in some of the lyrics and the lucent feel of the music leave me wanting more.
Cecil, the main voice of Night Vale was hugely entertaining on stage - I really don't think anybody was disappointed in the audience. Some visual gags have been added for the stage show, and Cecil's mellifluous tones are enhanced by his just as graceful movements and gestures on stage.
Disparition's work with the mandolin and rest of the musical background was exemplary and the supporting cast also.
Night Vale welcomes your camera for still shots but requests that video and audio not happen. Oh, and the audience participation, join in. Yes, Australian audiences aren't that steeped in it, but it's okay, you'll have fun.
If you haven't heard the podcast and don't have time, don't worry, the performance is suitable for those who've no experience of the place.
Slick, well produced, and polished, a fine production worth seeing.
10/10 Recommended and jamming with Scully and Mulder on their 'day off' on the Sid and Nancy Scale.
Really nice photos by Rob Masters
#welcometonightvale #nightvale

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