Friday, 5 August 2011

John Samuel might drop in tonight as we're gaming - he's got dinner with his Mum tonight for his birthday so he's...

John Samuel might drop in tonight as we're gaming - he's got dinner with his Mum tonight for his birthday so he's not sure what time he's coming. I may give him an NPC to play.

Dinner is fend for yourself, Rob and I both had consecutive migraines this morning so we're a bit out of kilter and barely able to look after ourselves let alone anyone else today.


  1. No worries. I might make myself that stir fry I'd been promising myself this week.

  2. Sounds nice! Because our appetites have been down we haven't finished the last box of delivered veggies before the next one arrived, so I'm scrambling to get the old ones disposed of in a mornay, or a soup perhaps.

  3. see you around 7 45 got to coach basket ball first.

  4. Okay, cool, that's fine Gazza.

  5. Looks at time. Gah. Or possibly have some of that quiche I made last night.
