So now that I've had a little time here's some more detail...
Perth Fringeworld's opening ceremony was fun! It was held in what used to be the Kailis Fish Factory in Northbridge, in a building that's been deserted for quite some time.
Now cleaned out, with a shining long bar down the middle with cabaret style seating about it, and tiered seating about that, a band at one end, it was a very Fringe feeling venue, and a fine addition to the Fringe festivities.
Out came the Fringe Executive Officer, Whadjuk Welcome to Country, Premier and Ministers and Mayors - a fine bunch of dignitaries although it must be said, never bring a footy metaphor to an arts crowd. On the other hand when it was mentioned that Fringe attendees would fill the new football stadium 17 times over everyone cheered. 1 in every 3 Western Australians will attend a FringeWorld event, apparently.
One of those events that will probably be the most visited is Club Swizzle, because after the success of their La Soiree the creators are sizzling for more. We got a taster of their show during the opening and I'd really like to see the full thing. It's one of the more expensive Fringe Events (for your typical Fringe 1 hour show expect to pay about 15 dollars) from $35 (standing) to $90 (probably ending up with performers
on your table, and ranged in between depending on whether you're at a table, in the tiered seating and what night of the week it is. This dynamic cabaret with amazing acrobatics will certainly one I'll try to get to!
Wandering through the Pleasure Garden last night we saw some Sea Sprites doing hoop work, and a slack rope guy juggling 5 flaming torches as we enjoyed our ice cold coconut water from freshly pieced coconuts, and enjoyed our satay kebabs and salad and rice with cubed salmon.
#fringeworld #fringeworld2018 #perth