There will be roleplaying tonight!
Also, Thai food - place your orders if you want some.
Leece is a Western Australian artist living in Perth, on Whadjuk Nyoongar boodjar. She likes drawing animals and is interested in sf&f, nature and kayaking, Me-Moving and reading and lots of other stuff!
Friday, 31 May 2013
Wednesday, 29 May 2013 I might try to get a group going on this one...I... I might try to get a group going on this one...I love the theme and while I'm a sucker for pirates generally, I like what they say on BGG.
"What this game isn't:
Ship racing, firing cannons, being a pirate
What this game is:
Dodging the Law, employing the local vicar, building an network, discovering and using secrets, renting out the mayor's wine cellar, getting rich, a surprisingly accurate historical representation."
"What this game isn't:
Ship racing, firing cannons, being a pirate
What this game is:
Dodging the Law, employing the local vicar, building an network, discovering and using secrets, renting out the mayor's wine cellar, getting rich, a surprisingly accurate historical representation."
Friday, 24 May 2013
I am sorry, folks, I have got the lurgy that Rob had last week (and is still recovering from).
I am sorry, folks, I have got the lurgy that Rob had last week (and is still recovering from). No gaming at Sydenham tonight. :-( I am really sad about this - not much WABA for me, no WABA after dark, gaming cancelled twice in a row due to sickness, couldn't even get to the Good Games St James Thursday night boardgames.
mutter mutter mutter.
Let me know if you get this before I do the bulk sms this morning.
If people want to blow each other up with tanks or pillage planets or play El Grande online tonight let me know.
Tune in next week where those that are present (is it Elaine's movie night next week?) will hear Mr Brisgow say:
"Stand clear of the railing - we don't want to lose any of you this early in the piece!!"
mutter mutter mutter.
Let me know if you get this before I do the bulk sms this morning.
If people want to blow each other up with tanks or pillage planets or play El Grande online tonight let me know.
Tune in next week where those that are present (is it Elaine's movie night next week?) will hear Mr Brisgow say:
"Stand clear of the railing - we don't want to lose any of you this early in the piece!!"
Monday, 20 May 2013
#WeeklyPhotoProject2013 Weekly Photo Project 2013 curated by Andrew Willard , Iain Harley and Tiina Niskanen
#WeeklyPhotoProject2013 Weekly Photo Project 2013 curated by Andrew Willard , Iain Harley and Tiina Niskanen
Week 19: Sky and Clouds
#WeeklyPhotoProject2013 Weekly Photo Project 2013 curated by Andrew Willard , Iain Harley and Tiina Niskanen

#WeeklyPhotoProject2013 Weekly Photo Project 2013 curated by Andrew Willard , Iain Harley and Tiina Niskanen
Week 14: Night
#WeeklyPhotoProject2013 Weekly Photo Project 2013 curated by Andrew Willard , Iain Harley and Tiina Niskanen

#WeeklyPhotoProject2013 Weekly Photo Project 2013 curated by Andrew Willard , Iain Harley and Tiina Niskanen
Week 13: Playing with Light
This was a tripod job, and strict instructions to Rob Masters on drone operation. No! Back a bit! Left a bit! Noooo! (Crash!)
Is anyone else on
Is anyone else on ? Free to register, free to play and, no advertisments. The games are all licensed! I've only just really discovered it and I am very impressed. My username is leeece and I am happy to play
El Grande
Hey, that's my fish
Roll through the Ages
Carcassonne H&G
Zoolooretto the Dice Game.
I would need refreshers on
Thurn and Taxis
Balloon Cup
Can't Stop
Here's a list of what they've got. I am keen to LEARN THEM ALLLL!
So if you want to help me let me know!
A Few Acres of Snow Down Under Kanaloa Sobek
Alchemist Dragonheart King of Siam Space Mission
Antike Duellum Egizia Luna Sticky Fingers
Arkadia El Grande Maori Stone Age
Arktia Era of Inventions Masons Sudoku Moyo
Aronda Famiglia Morris Tally Ho!
At the Gates of Loyang Fearsome Floors Mount Drago Targi
Atlantida Finca One-Eye The Hanging Gardens
Atoll Firenze Oregon The Speicherstadt
Atta Ants Founding Fathers Othello Thunderstone
Awale Four in a row Pergamon Thurn and Taxis
Balloon Cup Gobang & Gomoku Pompeii Torres
Bangkok Klongs Hacienda Ponte del Diavolo Trias
Black Friday Hawaii Rapa Nui Two by Two
Call To Glory Hexxagon Rattus Tyrus
Campaign Manager 2008 Hey, that's my fish Richelieu Vikings
Can't Stop Industrial Waste Roll through the Ages VinciBETA
Capt'n W. Kidd JaipurBETA Saint Petersburg War of the Roses
Carcassonne H&G Just 4 Fun Santiago de Cuba Yspahan
Carolus Magnus Just 4 Fun Colours Shanghaien Yucata
Chinagold Kahuna Six Zooloretto the dice game
ConHex Kamisado
El Grande
Hey, that's my fish
Roll through the Ages
Carcassonne H&G
Zoolooretto the Dice Game.
I would need refreshers on
Thurn and Taxis
Balloon Cup
Can't Stop
Here's a list of what they've got. I am keen to LEARN THEM ALLLL!
So if you want to help me let me know!
A Few Acres of Snow Down Under Kanaloa Sobek
Alchemist Dragonheart King of Siam Space Mission
Antike Duellum Egizia Luna Sticky Fingers
Arkadia El Grande Maori Stone Age
Arktia Era of Inventions Masons Sudoku Moyo
Aronda Famiglia Morris Tally Ho!
At the Gates of Loyang Fearsome Floors Mount Drago Targi
Atlantida Finca One-Eye The Hanging Gardens
Atoll Firenze Oregon The Speicherstadt
Atta Ants Founding Fathers Othello Thunderstone
Awale Four in a row Pergamon Thurn and Taxis
Balloon Cup Gobang & Gomoku Pompeii Torres
Bangkok Klongs Hacienda Ponte del Diavolo Trias
Black Friday Hawaii Rapa Nui Two by Two
Call To Glory Hexxagon Rattus Tyrus
Campaign Manager 2008 Hey, that's my fish Richelieu Vikings
Can't Stop Industrial Waste Roll through the Ages VinciBETA
Capt'n W. Kidd JaipurBETA Saint Petersburg War of the Roses
Carcassonne H&G Just 4 Fun Santiago de Cuba Yspahan
Carolus Magnus Just 4 Fun Colours Shanghaien Yucata
Chinagold Kahuna Six Zooloretto the dice game
ConHex Kamisado
Friday, 17 May 2013
Hanging about on after I cook these cakes if anyone feels like boardgames.
Hanging about on after I cook these cakes if anyone feels like boardgames.
I'm figuring the space-time continuum must be thin in that spot.
I'm figuring the space-time continuum must be thin in that spot.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Rob's got a sore throat/flu thing at the moment, so I'm thinking it might be best to cancel tomorrow's game, don't...
Rob's got a sore throat/flu thing at the moment, so I'm thinking it might be best to cancel tomorrow's game, don't want to spread it about.
Go to "Your events", scroll over the event, and a little black x will appear on the right hand side in the top...
Go to "Your events", scroll over the event, and a little black x will appear on the right hand side in the top corner of it. Click on it to remove the event. Sorry you can't make it.
Monday, 13 May 2013
I had to interrupt my Western Australian Boardgaming meeting for a couple of hours for this month's meet.
I had to interrupt my Western Australian Boardgaming meeting for a couple of hours for this month's meet. But I had a great game of 7 Wonders in the morning, and was able to give a solid start to the new Serenissima to one of the committee members - I had a couple of turns and left him with 4 ships and some cargo well on its way home. When I returned from the baby shower that I was obliged to go to it was reported that he'd won very convincingly, he hadn't played before. Finished off on King of Tokyo with the expansion. As usual, Mecha Dragon was a complete failure and the first to die. :-) And then on Sunday, Rob and I had a big struggle in the Red Barricades Factory in Memoir '44 online which after a hard slog I finally won. Good article here, actually: So that was the gaming part of my weeking. (I don't count the baby shower games...)
Excellent article on this challenging scenario.
Excellent article on this challenging scenario.
Sunday, 12 May 2013 Reckon we might go to the Drive In tonight. Reckon we might go to the Drive In tonight. Won't stay for the second movie though - it would make for too late a night.
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Thursday, 9 May 2013
I've been reading some local reads lately.
I've been reading some local reads lately.
Time Machines Repaired While You Wait by K. Adrian Bedford is proving to be a highly entertaining read. Gave me a start when I closed it to put a book mark in - arrgh, I've got coffee on my new book, but it was just printed on the cover. A real feel for Perth, and I can just imagine a Time Machine repair place running out back of Malaga - probably next to Computer Recycle IT. I like Spider too.
It's fun and interesting reading it straight after another excellent future Perth read - Nightsiders by Sue Isle. Welcome to post apocalyptic Perth - unkind people might say that we wouldn't notice the difference but they're idiots who don't enjoy disc golf, board games, sf, kayaking, sailing, wildlife, books and good food. Plus They Might Be Giants are playing here tomorrow. But Nightsiders has an apocalypse done and dusted and now people are just dealing with Life in Perth afterwards. And some of them are evolving to fit the need to stay out of a sun gone too bright...
I liked the Tasmanian culinary murder mystery read - A Trifle Dead by Livia Day. I really enjoyed that one. I want a second helping! Hey I like food and police procedurals!
And the future Sydney - What the Dead Said by D J Daniels. Very interesting concept and great chapter titles! Hilarious at times and,ahem, deathly serious in others.
We really are very fortunate with our writers here.
Also; compare future police procedural In Death series (great stuff, although I tend to leaf through the sex scenes impatiently the way I do the technoinfodump in Weber space operas to get back to the story).
What the Dead Said reminded me favourably of the Inspector Chen novels by Liz Williams - the more or less publicly acceptance of the protrusion of the afterlife into the living world and the difficulties and joys it can bring. But, for the sake of story, mostly difficulties.
Anyway Time Machines Repaired while you wait is certainly fun and I look forward to reading the rest of it.
Time Machines Repaired While You Wait by K. Adrian Bedford is proving to be a highly entertaining read. Gave me a start when I closed it to put a book mark in - arrgh, I've got coffee on my new book, but it was just printed on the cover. A real feel for Perth, and I can just imagine a Time Machine repair place running out back of Malaga - probably next to Computer Recycle IT. I like Spider too.
It's fun and interesting reading it straight after another excellent future Perth read - Nightsiders by Sue Isle. Welcome to post apocalyptic Perth - unkind people might say that we wouldn't notice the difference but they're idiots who don't enjoy disc golf, board games, sf, kayaking, sailing, wildlife, books and good food. Plus They Might Be Giants are playing here tomorrow. But Nightsiders has an apocalypse done and dusted and now people are just dealing with Life in Perth afterwards. And some of them are evolving to fit the need to stay out of a sun gone too bright...
I liked the Tasmanian culinary murder mystery read - A Trifle Dead by Livia Day. I really enjoyed that one. I want a second helping! Hey I like food and police procedurals!
And the future Sydney - What the Dead Said by D J Daniels. Very interesting concept and great chapter titles! Hilarious at times and,ahem, deathly serious in others.
We really are very fortunate with our writers here.
Also; compare future police procedural In Death series (great stuff, although I tend to leaf through the sex scenes impatiently the way I do the technoinfodump in Weber space operas to get back to the story).
What the Dead Said reminded me favourably of the Inspector Chen novels by Liz Williams - the more or less publicly acceptance of the protrusion of the afterlife into the living world and the difficulties and joys it can bring. But, for the sake of story, mostly difficulties.
Anyway Time Machines Repaired while you wait is certainly fun and I look forward to reading the rest of it.
Monday, 6 May 2013
Friday, 3 May 2013
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Alicia Smith is singing VERY LOUDLY
Alicia Smith is singing VERY LOUDLY
Who's that sucking all the
Oxygen out of the place?
First name: Getting All Up
in Your Last name: Face !
First name: Getting All Up
in Your Last name: Face !
Who's that sucking all the
Oxygen out of the place?
First name: Getting All Up
in Your Last name: Face !
First name: Getting All Up
in Your Last name: Face !
All those wonderful, wonderful, boardgames on iOS but not so many on Android.
All those wonderful, wonderful, boardgames on iOS but not so many on Android. Is there anything good on Android that ISN'T on iOS so I can lay some claim to pitiful bragging rights?
My April plays... a lot of new games for me this month, as is to be expected during Swancon.
My April plays... a lot of new games for me this month, as is to be expected during Swancon.
Memoir '44 - 36 plays. Played for the first time this month
My, that's impressive...and all in the past week. I have only just started playing it, it's a nice little wargame and it is so, so quick to play online - so it has a lot of novelty value. So many scenarios. Anyone else liking it, I'm Dread Pirate Leece on Days of Wonder. That goes for Ticket to Ride variants as well.
Ticket to Ride: Europe - 8 plays
My favourite standby - a mix of cardboard and digital plays. Never as many as I would like.
King of Tokyo - 5 plays
Such a riot, and a must buy after the first couple of games we had this month.
Tsuro - 5 plays
Won this boxed game, it gets played a lot and it goes to a lot of people and is short. I can take or leave it.
Hey, That's My Fish! - 3 plays
I play this with my mum a bit on my Galaxy Tab.
Love Letter - 3 plays
Learned this at the WABA meet this month but I am no good at it. Am Convinced guy I was playing with was a telepath.
Nefarious - 3 plays
Aquileia - 2 plays
A new game for April and it is so good, I want to play it again and again.
Tigris & Euphrates - 2 plays
Playing on my Galaxy Tab with my sweety.
Timeline: Inventions - 2 plays
A popular filler with the groups we play with.
7 Wonders - 1 play
Dixit Odyssey - 1 play
Flash Point: Fire Rescue - 1 play
Learnt this at Swancon, impressed enough to join the Kickstarter to get our own copy.
Mutant Meeples - 1 play
Learnt at Swancon, don't really want to play again.
Pandemic - 1 play
Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 1 - Team Asia & Legendary Asia
1 play of Legendary Asia. Still haven't played Team Asia yet.
Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 2 - India & Switzerland
1 play India I think.
1 play of this. Still better than Small World but Small World is ok.
That looks like it.
Memoir '44 - 36 plays. Played for the first time this month
My, that's impressive...and all in the past week. I have only just started playing it, it's a nice little wargame and it is so, so quick to play online - so it has a lot of novelty value. So many scenarios. Anyone else liking it, I'm Dread Pirate Leece on Days of Wonder. That goes for Ticket to Ride variants as well.
Ticket to Ride: Europe - 8 plays
My favourite standby - a mix of cardboard and digital plays. Never as many as I would like.
King of Tokyo - 5 plays
Such a riot, and a must buy after the first couple of games we had this month.
Tsuro - 5 plays
Won this boxed game, it gets played a lot and it goes to a lot of people and is short. I can take or leave it.
Hey, That's My Fish! - 3 plays
I play this with my mum a bit on my Galaxy Tab.
Love Letter - 3 plays
Learned this at the WABA meet this month but I am no good at it. Am Convinced guy I was playing with was a telepath.
Nefarious - 3 plays
Aquileia - 2 plays
A new game for April and it is so good, I want to play it again and again.
Tigris & Euphrates - 2 plays
Playing on my Galaxy Tab with my sweety.
Timeline: Inventions - 2 plays
A popular filler with the groups we play with.
7 Wonders - 1 play
Dixit Odyssey - 1 play
Flash Point: Fire Rescue - 1 play
Learnt this at Swancon, impressed enough to join the Kickstarter to get our own copy.
Mutant Meeples - 1 play
Learnt at Swancon, don't really want to play again.
Pandemic - 1 play
Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 1 - Team Asia & Legendary Asia
1 play of Legendary Asia. Still haven't played Team Asia yet.
Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 2 - India & Switzerland
1 play India I think.
1 play of this. Still better than Small World but Small World is ok.
That looks like it.
It will be interesting to see this fly.
It will be interesting to see this fly.,0,799208.story,0,799208.story
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