Wednesday, 1 May 2013

All those wonderful, wonderful, boardgames on iOS but not so many on Android.

All those wonderful, wonderful, boardgames on iOS but not so many on Android. Is there anything good on Android that ISN'T on iOS so I can lay some claim to pitiful bragging rights?


  1. I think the iOS version of Dominion got pulled but Android still has Androminium so there's that. Not for long though as there's official Dominion apps coming for both platforms.

  2. That's interesting, thank you Iain Mabbott !

  3. I got Tigris and Euphrates on android. I got it mainly because otherwise, I had no totally-euro centric games.

  4. Through the desert is very good on Android, not sure if it's on iOS.

  5. Michaël Juneau  Tigris and Euphrates is very good but it is also available for Apple products. Thomas Herlofsen Through the Desert is also available at the istore. I've got them both on my Samsung Galaxy and they work really well. I may have to consider Androminion...even though I don't really like Dominion, just for some pitiful gloating rights while they last. :-) I'm glad Dominion will be available for both!

  6. Apparently 7 Wonders isn't available on iOs?

  7. Alicia Smith It's not on Android either is it?
