We had a very relaxed day on Monday to recover from Genghiscon over the weekend. Genghiscon was held at St. Georges Residential College, which is one of the oldest buildings you can stay in, in Perth.
Redbrick and creeper growing across the window panes, and lush inner courtyard of grass and a fountain, a chapel. A very pleasant stay. I was suffering from painful unpleasantness from the monthly annoyance for a lot of the convention, unfortunately, which curtailed my activities a good deal. rattfan kept me good company for some of it, and with a view out to UWA and the river and the old fashioned paned glass and roomy student accomodation was at least a pleasant surround! I did get a couple of games of Fireball Island: The Curse of Vulkar, a game of Dinosaur Island with the expansion and water creatures, and a good game of Tzolk'n and what amounted to a speed run of Mysterium where we apparently Could Do No Wrong. So I wasn't exactly cloistered.
The food at St George's is gorgeous. If we're there again I recommend the Sunday dinner especially.
On Tuesday we caught the train to Fremantle, and the ferry to Wadjemup for a wander for a few hours. This was the first of a bunch of research trips for rdm to set up his three days of team building exercises for his work. The new ferry service from Sealink is excellent and far better at secure baggage handling than Rottnest Express, who lost our luggage, and failed to contact us when it turned up. Not a good look.
The sea was calm - almost flat on the way and we had a good crossing - a big change from the winter crossings which are our usual mode.
Then we walked down to the water at Thompson Bay, and paid our respects to mambakoort, Warkal, and jenang in language they would be more familiar with. The djeringkara looked approving, which is good, as they're particulary needed for the special service they perform for wirrun on their way to the sky, and would be very much needed in this spot.
Then we grabbed some lunch, had it on the beach and walked to Bathurst Lighthouse, gathering data for Rob's three sets of quiz questions along the way. On the way back we stopped at the outskirts of the Wadjemup Burial Ground and paid our respects and said sorry about the whole business to the wirrun there. We used Whadjuk wangkaniny - not ideal, as people from all over W.A are buried there and wouldn't have spoken any Noongar at their own boodjar but it's a lot more polite than using English in this circumstance.
Then we walked and walked until we'd walked about 10 km, gathering data. After that, we sat with some icecreams and coffee in the shade at Thompson Bay and rested our feet, and watched the goings on and lovely scenery until it was time to get back on the boat. In Fremantle we visited the Hemp Shop and got [personal profile] rdm some more work shirts, and visited Kakulas Sister on the way back to the train station. We had delicious fondue for dinner and then did our hour's merswimming. It was certainly a full day!
Yesterday was mostly housework and recovery for me, rdm went back to work.
But today we've been invited to the Fringe opening party, as we're Fringe Friends, so it's off to Northbridge for us tonight. Perhaps stopping by Guz Y Gomez first up.
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