A big thank you to Marilyn Benham who has put it all very well!
Originally shared by Marilyn Benham
Hello G+, and G+ Tribe,
Just wanted to say that I love being here at G+. I've been here since it's beginnings, and I don't want to move.
There is no other social media like G+. Especially for photographers who like to share almost daily. G+ is the best for communication; interaction is easiest, and the best!
I've really enjoying sharing here, and meeting such beautiful people.
G+ has announced that they will be closing down in about 10 months.
I have a stubborn refusal to believe this will actually happen. So I am here until G+ tells me "Marilyn You have to go now".....
Yes I am on other social medias.. Most of them I do not post regularly on except for my Instagram. On Instagram I only post phone shots of daily travels, things I snap as we are out traveling doing our everyday things.
My point is G+ is the best Social Media site around! There are other sites, but they all lack many things , and they do not get the sharing photographer!
Thankies #G+ for this amazing place you have carved out for us. I'm asking you to please find a way to keep G+ open "as is" to us your faithful peoples. Thankies!!
#G+ #PleaseKeepG+Open #G+BestSocialMediaSite
#ThankYouG+ #Mermaid #LOVE
#©MarilynLouiseBenhamXO #Photoart
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