Sunday, 18 February 2018

So yesterday we rolled on down to the Icecream Factory and attended the premier of the Acapocalypse - the Fringe...

So yesterday we rolled on down to the Icecream Factory and attended the premier of the Acapocalypse - the Fringe season for them has ended, just the two shows - so The Baden Street Singers don't need me to drum up business for them right now, but you should know that they were excellent. The Edith Spiegeltent was full - the show was sold out on the Saturday, and I'm not surprised.

If you like A capella music then try to catch them - they're a large group and they're very accomplished and do various shows around the place. This was the story of two groups of singers competing for glory in the A capella finals, one Millenial, and one 80's. The amusing storyline of secret identities and romance (and live bees) kicked along jauntily as the carrier for some great numbers, and the highlight for me was the riff-off - an a cappella medley switching from Millenial to 80's and back with precision, passion and lovely voices.

Great singing, snappy costumes and good humour will have me looking for their other events with anticipation. #fringeworld #fringeworld2018 #perth

10 out of 10 Impressive and finding the Philharmonic Orchestra is standing in as your mobile phone ringtone on the Sid and Nancy Scale.

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