Wednesday, 15 November 2017

So I have a friend who plusses stuff I don't want to see which makes it pop up in my stream.

So I have a friend who plusses stuff I don't want to see which makes it pop up in my stream. I don't want to unfriend the friend, but whenever they plus stuff I am not at all interested in seeing, into my stream it goes. Is this a setting I'm missing?


  1. As far as i can tell there is nothing you can do ... I've investigated this before. But maybe things have changed.

  2. It's a setting on their account, if I recall. I think they have to opt out of publicizing their +1s. Yes, found it in the settings, under "General" there's a "Who can see your '+1 on posts' activity?" line. If they change that from "Anyone" or whatever it's set at to "Only You" then nobody will see those posts. Or, there's a custom option where they could choose some subset that doesn't include you, Alicia Smith

  3. Thank you. Maybe someone will have some joy for us.

  4. Thank you very much Michael J. Coffey that is very helpful.

  5. The way it works is the sum of all the things you tick. To exclude you they would have to tick a set of individual circles that don't include you. Default is Extended Circles.

  6. Ha, it looks like I'm inadvertently guilty of the same thing - I'm sorry to have inflicted my various meanderings on my extended circles - it wasn't deliberate. It is easy to miss. I've turned it off now.

  7. Alicia u did stop trying to make ppl thank using perfact

  8. I payed over 1000 dollars for the price tag on ur head

  9. Best solution I can suggest is to make a new circle to put that person in and change the circle settings to "see fewer posts" or "see none". I occasionally use it as a "naughty corner" for people I know to be lovely people In Real Life but sometimes act like jerks on social media.

  10. It would only be if a mutual friend Pluses one of their posts that you would see it.
