I usually regard fan fiction with loathing, usually repressed with polite silence when people go on about it. On very rare occasions - usually about once every couple of years, a notable exception may come to my attention. There was that one with Captain America's public relations http://idiopath-fic-smile.tumblr.com/post/117149098318/steve-rogers-pr-disaster-gen-4k or the one with Sherlock and Mornington Crescent http://definewisdom.livejournal.com/36181.html . This time it involves Hermione and money. Lots of money. http://the-toast.net/2016/05/11/the-first-line-of-every-fan-fiction-i-have-started-writing-once-i-found-out-emma-watson-was-named-in-the-panama-papers/
Though to be honest, fan fiction is pretty much subject to Sturgeon's law, just the same as anything else