Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The book I was talking about on Friday was The Prefect, by Alistaire Reynolds - I don't think it was the one you...

The book I was talking about on Friday was The Prefect, by Alistaire Reynolds - I don't think it was the one you were talking about Gaz - was it Walter Jon Williams you were talking about.

I see that he has Metropolitan for 99 cents at the moment at Smashwords and various sites about.I've bought it. I've read his Surfacing short story, which I loved and The Crown Jewells I think, I know Rob has read that.

James Nicolls says of Metropolitan "I suspect Williams is cursed being too good for his own good – even his attempts to churn out mindless MilSF have been suspiciously ambitious. It is a rare author who innovates without being harshly punished for their transgression; reliable commercial success lies in producing works familiar enough not to challenge the reader much, while being just different enough from what came before to avoid plagiarism lawsuits. Williams appears incapable of the necessary levels of mediocrity for grand popularity in his chosen genre.
I have two good pieces of news for people who want to explore this work. The first is it is on sale right now, for $0.99, but the sale will be over soon so don’t hesitate. The second is that there is a sequel to this book and it is if anything even better than Metropolitan."


  1. Peter hamilton was the author commonwealth series it seems ok but everything is described down the nth degree
