She only has a little way to go - please consider helping.
Leece is a Western Australian artist living in Perth, on Whadjuk Nyoongar boodjar. She likes drawing animals and is interested in sf&f, nature and kayaking, Me-Moving and reading and lots of other stuff!
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Friday, 22 March 2013
Saw this when I went to do my Morse practise.
Saw this when I went to do my Morse practise.
Impressive! And depressing.
Impressive! And depressing.
Originally shared by Stephen Gunnell
I strayed into the athiesm community and found this little marvel. I am fascinated by how neatly it all fits together and appalled by the sheer volume of belief that it covers.
Originally shared by Stephen Gunnell
I strayed into the athiesm community and found this little marvel. I am fascinated by how neatly it all fits together and appalled by the sheer volume of belief that it covers.
Last week things came to a head with the conflict between the Naga and the Garuda.
Last week things came to a head with the conflict between the Naga and the Garuda. The Sun God's gem was taken away by Sahaya the snake ring and it doesn't look like Sondra's house will ever be ordering whale oil or gas ever again. The enmity of the Garuda has been incurred, but the friendship of the Naga has been earned, and somebody must have been done something right, for the characters may now call light once a day - a small, floating glowing sheaf of jewelled brazen wheat (the grain heads appear to be tiny rubies) which may be directed within 1 metre of the caller, illuminating a three metre radius with a soft glow. The light will last for 115 minutes unless extinguished by the command of its caller. There is no substance to the wheat, one may pass one's hand through it. It feels pleasantly warm, like a rock in the sun on a spring day.
Quote of the night.
Sahaya the Naga: I am a servant of Heaven!
(in the background, worldly wise 18 year old who has heard about this sort of thing from his family)
"Yeah, right!"
Quote of the night.
Sahaya the Naga: I am a servant of Heaven!
(in the background, worldly wise 18 year old who has heard about this sort of thing from his family)
"Yeah, right!"
Thursday, 21 March 2013
And then there's good stuff.
And then there's good stuff.
Flogging survivors of sexual violence is wrong.
Flogging survivors of sexual violence is wrong. Apparently the Maldives Government doesn't know that. You might give them a heads up. I wouldn't want to holiday in a place that treats anyone like that.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Played Spot!
Played Spot! It last night - frantic! Then a deadly game of 5 player Ticket to Ride Europe in which I just count myself lucky to have finished my routes, and then beta testing a friend's game - same guy who did Antaire: Dungeons, the print and play dungeon crawl game.
Sign to add your voice to the petition to protect your privacy.
Sign to add your voice to the petition to protect your privacy.
Friday, 15 March 2013
Cauliflower soup will be available tonight.
Cauliflower soup will be available tonight. BYO bread if the idea of gf bread doesn't appeal, BYO food if the idea of cauliflower soup also does not appeal. :-)
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Just to let you know, all those Small World players out there with Android devices, you might like to be aware of...
Just to let you know, all those Small World players out there with Android devices, you might like to be aware of this... oh yeah and you Ipad people too.
Wednesday, 13 March 2013 Just boosting the signal as I've been... Just boosting the signal as I've been following the author's efforts on this and think it deserves a leg up.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Hi Elaine, we've tried this one and it works a real treat!
Hi Elaine, we've tried this one and it works a real treat! Just remember to put the cake pan on a broken in half chopstick so the steam get out. I also recommend taking your varoma to the shop when you buy a cake pan to fit, if you don't already have one small enough.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Rob Masters took some photos while we were playing on Saturday.

Rob Masters took some photos while we were playing on Saturday.
Originally shared by Rob Masters
#WeeklyPhotoProject2013 curated by
Andrew Willard , Iain Harley and Tiina Niskanen
Weekly Photo Project 2013
Week 10: Depth of Field
Over the trenches of France, a Gotha bomber is intercepted by a lone Sopwith Snipe. The escorting Pfalz DVIIIs close in to take care of the interruption...
A scene from a game of Wings of Glory at this week's Western Australian Boardgame Association's meeting. A chance for me to merge two of my hobbies :)
An interesting time was had at the W.A Boardgaming Association on Saturday.
An interesting time was had at the W.A Boardgaming Association on Saturday. Rob Masters and I played a couple of games of Wings of War with some willing cohorts, the first time we'd used the bombers. I took on the command of a Central Powers Gotha and a couple of wingmen in Fokker D's and we did alright, a victory over the other side of a similar force. The second game, we changed to me going back to my beloved Fokker D and the others taking on a couple of Gotha's. Which unfortunately flew into each other in pretty much the second round and us Central Powers being pretty much trashed. It was a relief to go and play Small World, which as we all know is not Vinci, but very much a relief after being on one's feet for two games. I couldn't work out why I was finding it so tiring but yesterday I came down with a cold - I thought it was just hayfever at first, don't you hate that?
Hey folks, , I know that...
Hey folks, , I know that Zombies is not the best loved game or even the best designed, but please consider this appeal.
Sunday, 10 March 2013
+Rob Masters has been clever.
+Rob Masters has been clever.
Originally shared by Rob Masters
For many months, I have been thinking about the International Code of Signals - best known as "those pretty flags they dress up boats with". All those flags have meanings, and even more meanings in specific groups.
Thing is, if you take those signals out of a nautical context, things can get a little weird and very funny. For example, take this one: Alpha Delta - I am abandoning my vessel due to a nuclear accident.
So I have opened a Cafepress store at to showcase what I consider to be some of the better ones. There's a baker's dozen signals there right now, and many more to come.
Originally shared by Rob Masters
For many months, I have been thinking about the International Code of Signals - best known as "those pretty flags they dress up boats with". All those flags have meanings, and even more meanings in specific groups.
Thing is, if you take those signals out of a nautical context, things can get a little weird and very funny. For example, take this one: Alpha Delta - I am abandoning my vessel due to a nuclear accident.
So I have opened a Cafepress store at to showcase what I consider to be some of the better ones. There's a baker's dozen signals there right now, and many more to come.
Saturday, 9 March 2013
So tonight, the dinner party continued with a nice game of Categories after Whist.
So tonight, the dinner party continued with a nice game of Categories after Whist. Alexander and then Burley took their leave, Alexander off to sweet talk a copyist into making some copies and then off to dancing, and Burley caught a cab home before night fell. On his way back to the dorm, Burley saw two men capturing a gargoyle with hooks and net. Burley, rolling magnificently on IQ (17) was positive he recognised it from the Library and purchased the creature and had it transported to the College. Then there ensued an unsatisfactory interrogation which led to Burley deserting the tied up gargoyle, who was soon set upon by gleeful undergrads, who decided the place needed some decoration. Burley suggested bathing the creature, and screams soon emitted from the ablutions. Freshly pressed, rinsed and dried the creature was then fastened to the bannister as a jape.
Meanwhile at Sondra's the kedegree was just being served, when a thump and a groan was heard and then two people tried to bust in the front door simultaneously, to comic effect. Sykes discommoded one, and the other was laid out by a judicious ladelling by William.
They were tied up and put in the drawing room.
The gateman was revived and warned of three others going around the back, Brutus and William went to try and stop them as they were breaking in the rear window.
Brutus found three nasties one of whom tried to blind him with flashpowder, but failed. Brutus was urged to retreat and fell back to the others.
Sykes meanwhile dispatched a messenger to fetch the police and started activating some of the house protections, which took some concentration.
In the drawing room the characters listened as the intruders ran through the house, ransacking as they went. One by one thumps or various...other noises were heard, and Sykes looked satisfied at each noise.
The police arrived just after William was apparently quite overcome with the excitement and shock of it all and put his blade to the throat of one of the miscreants, he was urged by both Brutus and Susan to put it away and let the police deal with things.
The exhausted Sykes suggested that they let him deal with the police, and come back later to interrogate the intruder the police had not found. He also explained the intruder who had turned to stone in the kitchen after upsetting the cook would return to normal after a time.
Susan, Brutus and William take the advice, and a picnic basket supplied by the cook back to college where they encounter the gargoyle ornament and go up to Burley's room. William goes back down to free the gargoyle and then all four may contemplate the contents of the food basket amidst Burley's collection of exotic plant toxins.
Meanwhile at Sondra's the kedegree was just being served, when a thump and a groan was heard and then two people tried to bust in the front door simultaneously, to comic effect. Sykes discommoded one, and the other was laid out by a judicious ladelling by William.
They were tied up and put in the drawing room.
The gateman was revived and warned of three others going around the back, Brutus and William went to try and stop them as they were breaking in the rear window.
Brutus found three nasties one of whom tried to blind him with flashpowder, but failed. Brutus was urged to retreat and fell back to the others.
Sykes meanwhile dispatched a messenger to fetch the police and started activating some of the house protections, which took some concentration.
In the drawing room the characters listened as the intruders ran through the house, ransacking as they went. One by one thumps or various...other noises were heard, and Sykes looked satisfied at each noise.
The police arrived just after William was apparently quite overcome with the excitement and shock of it all and put his blade to the throat of one of the miscreants, he was urged by both Brutus and Susan to put it away and let the police deal with things.
The exhausted Sykes suggested that they let him deal with the police, and come back later to interrogate the intruder the police had not found. He also explained the intruder who had turned to stone in the kitchen after upsetting the cook would return to normal after a time.
Susan, Brutus and William take the advice, and a picnic basket supplied by the cook back to college where they encounter the gargoyle ornament and go up to Burley's room. William goes back down to free the gargoyle and then all four may contemplate the contents of the food basket amidst Burley's collection of exotic plant toxins.
Friday, 8 March 2013
Quotes from tonight.
Quotes from tonight.
William, Susan and Brutus return to the college "I say there's a gargoyle tied to the bannister" says William.
Brutus considers "Oh just call Maintenance"
"It talks, it's not an animal!" Burley, Mr Sensitivity.
William, Susan and Brutus return to the college "I say there's a gargoyle tied to the bannister" says William.
Brutus considers "Oh just call Maintenance"
"It talks, it's not an animal!" Burley, Mr Sensitivity.
Ah, yes, thank you, Steveg, that's right. The vanishing druid might have been referring to this..who knows?

In last week's session, the troupe wandered over to see if Sondra Wittingstein was okay. The largish, gardened...
In last week's session, the troupe wandered over to see if Sondra Wittingstein was okay. The largish, gardened townhouse where she lives in Belgravia is fairly modern, and the gateman takes their details, seemingly oblivious to the two gargoyles perched like improbable sentries on the gate columns to either side of him.
The butler, Sykes, takes one of the gentlemens' cards and presently returns, saying the lady will see them, although they are days early. Refreshments are brought and "Your glass...sir." remarks Sykes icily to Brutus, who always brings a hip flask of his own.
Sykes shows considerable talent, displaying feats of memory and of levitation in the course of his duties.
Sondra invites the guests to a game of Whist, and the students set in for an enjoyable afternoon.
A little more is found out...The story of Syamantaka - the Sun God's Gem. The jewel originally belonged to the Sun god, who wore it around his neck. It was also the source of the dazzling appearance of the Sun god. But he gave it to someone on Earth, and wars followed and the gem eventually lost.
Alexander has a little chat to Sykes and shows him the identification guide to bloody large legendary flying creatures.
Brutus does a little study when it is his time to sit out the game.
Sondra seems friendly and helpful.
Burley's snake isn't very helpful and has taken to hiding in his shoe, but there's a reason for that...
Sykes and the protections on the house are instrumental in staving off an attack? landing? sniffing about? of a large winged creature that darkens the sky. Screeching is heard and the smell of scorched feathers.
And that's where we are at? Or did you all leave the house afterwards?
The butler, Sykes, takes one of the gentlemens' cards and presently returns, saying the lady will see them, although they are days early. Refreshments are brought and "Your glass...sir." remarks Sykes icily to Brutus, who always brings a hip flask of his own.
Sykes shows considerable talent, displaying feats of memory and of levitation in the course of his duties.
Sondra invites the guests to a game of Whist, and the students set in for an enjoyable afternoon.
A little more is found out...The story of Syamantaka - the Sun God's Gem. The jewel originally belonged to the Sun god, who wore it around his neck. It was also the source of the dazzling appearance of the Sun god. But he gave it to someone on Earth, and wars followed and the gem eventually lost.
Alexander has a little chat to Sykes and shows him the identification guide to bloody large legendary flying creatures.
Brutus does a little study when it is his time to sit out the game.
Sondra seems friendly and helpful.
Burley's snake isn't very helpful and has taken to hiding in his shoe, but there's a reason for that...
Sykes and the protections on the house are instrumental in staving off an attack? landing? sniffing about? of a large winged creature that darkens the sky. Screeching is heard and the smell of scorched feathers.
And that's where we are at? Or did you all leave the house afterwards?
There will be soup available tonight, 2, maybe 3 sorts if we bother to bring the Thermomix over to cook the third as...
There will be soup available tonight, 2, maybe 3 sorts if we bother to bring the Thermomix over to cook the third as people arrive. Feel free to bring your own bread if you think gf is yucky. Or you can byo everything if soup doesn't appeal to you tonight.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Not sure whose kid that is, is it Anna's smallest?

Not sure whose kid that is, is it Anna's smallest?
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
Just a repeat, ask Anna and Art if you can use this photo.

Just a repeat, ask Anna and Art if you can use this photo.
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
Though you should ask Anna and Art whether it's okay to use their kid's image for this purpose.
Though you should ask Anna and Art whether it's okay to use their kid's image for this purpose.

Though you should ask Anna and Art whether it's okay to use their kid's image for this purpose.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
A nice place to have lunch with mum and her sister. Matilda Bay Tearooms.
A nice place to have lunch with mum and her sister. Matilda Bay Tearooms.

Monday, 4 March 2013
We have just taken delivery of our Thermomix today and have just had a lovely bolognaise for dinner.
We have just taken delivery of our Thermomix today and have just had a lovely bolognaise for dinner. Wonderful machine, I've been using my Mum's quite a bit, but it still amazes me the way you can drop in bits of steak and a few pulses later, perfect rough cut mince.
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Perth from Herdsman Lake

Perth from Herdsman Lake
#WeeklyPhotoProject2013 curated by
Andrew Willard , Iain Harley and Tiina Niskanen
Weekly Photo Project 2013
Week 9: Landscape
Friday, 1 March 2013
Dear Hennie, this is an invitation to view our photos and our trip diary from our holiday, perhaps you will see some...
Dear Hennie, this is an invitation to view our photos and our trip diary from our holiday, perhaps you will see some of the places that you know. If you 'accept' you will be able to see the photos and diary easily.
We are looking forward to more of your delicious treats soon.
Originally shared by Rob Masters
Rob & Leece's Grand SW Tour.
This event is so our friends can follow what we're up to as we tour the South-west by car and kayak.
You can follow our last 7 days progress here at the page below.
We are looking forward to more of your delicious treats soon.
Originally shared by Rob Masters
Rob & Leece's Grand SW Tour.
This event is so our friends can follow what we're up to as we tour the South-west by car and kayak.
You can follow our last 7 days progress here at the page below.
I am playing on #tabletopday . I will probably be splitting my time between the Swancon event and whatever...
I am playing on #tabletopday . I will probably be splitting my time between the Swancon event and whatever end up doing, but I will definitely be playing on #tabletopday .
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