Sunday, 16 October 2011

Contemplating going into town to buy some more Vibram 5fingers, look at the planes at Langley Park and perhaps play...

Contemplating going into town to buy some more Vibram 5fingers, look at the planes at Langley Park and perhaps play some Mediaeval Madness and possibly visit Myriade. Also contemplating the heat. Bleh.


  1. I was thinking of going out because I be bored, but yeah. The heat. Got to water and put shadecloth over the broad beans, which will be traumatised by this! Where's Langley Park precisely? I know it, just can't picture what area it is.

  2. yeah, that heat isn't something i'm looking forward to, but looks like we'll be out for beachiness and lunch. hope I can find shade and survive

  3. Ratfan X you know the stretch of parkland along the river just about level with where the Good Earth is - that's it. Same place the Red Bull planes take off from.
