Leece is a Western Australian artist living in Perth, on Whadjuk Nyoongar boodjar. She likes drawing animals and is interested in sf&f, nature and kayaking, Me-Moving and reading and lots of other stuff!
Friday, 30 December 2011
A reminder that there will be no gaming tonight, except for the night round of disc golf at Rob Hancock Memorial...
A reminder that there will be no gaming tonight, except for the night round of disc golf at Rob Hancock Memorial Disc Golf Park - bbq at 5.00 and teeing off at 7.00. You are all welcome. Night golf is fun!
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Friday night of that week saw The London Crew in my gurps rpg prepare for the assault on 30 St Mary's Axe.
Friday night of that week saw The London Crew in my gurps rpg prepare for the assault on 30 St Mary's Axe. Both the Chinese Masterchef and The Shopkeeper got in contact with Lord Saranathan the Weretiger/Raksha/Sorceror/Maneater? and Nightclub Owner to see if he could help with rearguard against evil Fishmen, and got a fairly good response, except that, due to his dispute with The Scary Voiced Greek Guy, he will not look out for him. Or WILL look out for him, if you know what I mean.
So they get some clues from a nearby itinerate street guy, who is apparently later whisked away by Saranathan for protection, and later, after scoping the place out, Orthrus getting distracted by some trading going on in there...whilst the Chinese chef and Sara, the foundling from our London watch out from above.
Anyway, comes dark, and in they all go, where they find the basement opens out into some tunnels under the building. They find one of the missing people, not in a good way, as apparently he's been...infested with a large eel like creature. The eel refuses to leave the host even when he's stabbed and poisoned...in fact, after it takes a few chunks out of him and retreats into his stomach (having been emerging through his mouth) he seems to considerably improve. No thanks to the Scary Voiced Greek Guy, who is wearing a mask he found in one of the crates he opened.
Shennanigans ensue. Lord Sentanta who has also been asked to attend by the good chef, (with plaintive requests from young Convruth that can we visit The Crystal Palace properly - SOOON) has brought along a couple of fellows and they're having a grand old time, charging any fishman they see and wreaking havoc amongst the maze of twisty little passages all alike.
So there are now several dead Fishman, including, apparently a mage who got out fireballed by...er, was it TSVGG? Probably.
Of, course, now Jonathon the Architect is missing in the battle, the dark and the confusion.
And that's about all I remember. Feel free to jog my memory. I think I've done a pretty good reminisce so far. But if I haven't remembered, of course I'm going to think that.
So they get some clues from a nearby itinerate street guy, who is apparently later whisked away by Saranathan for protection, and later, after scoping the place out, Orthrus getting distracted by some trading going on in there...whilst the Chinese chef and Sara, the foundling from our London watch out from above.
Anyway, comes dark, and in they all go, where they find the basement opens out into some tunnels under the building. They find one of the missing people, not in a good way, as apparently he's been...infested with a large eel like creature. The eel refuses to leave the host even when he's stabbed and poisoned...in fact, after it takes a few chunks out of him and retreats into his stomach (having been emerging through his mouth) he seems to considerably improve. No thanks to the Scary Voiced Greek Guy, who is wearing a mask he found in one of the crates he opened.
Shennanigans ensue. Lord Sentanta who has also been asked to attend by the good chef, (with plaintive requests from young Convruth that can we visit The Crystal Palace properly - SOOON) has brought along a couple of fellows and they're having a grand old time, charging any fishman they see and wreaking havoc amongst the maze of twisty little passages all alike.
So there are now several dead Fishman, including, apparently a mage who got out fireballed by...er, was it TSVGG? Probably.
Of, course, now Jonathon the Architect is missing in the battle, the dark and the confusion.
And that's about all I remember. Feel free to jog my memory. I think I've done a pretty good reminisce so far. But if I haven't remembered, of course I'm going to think that.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
I was pretty touched by this. Thank you to drhoz for bringing it to my attention, so that I can bring it to yours.
I was pretty touched by this. Thank you to drhoz for bringing it to my attention, so that I can bring it to yours.
David Attenborough - Wonderful World - BBC
David Attenborough - Wonderful World - BBC
Monday, 28 November 2011
Incon C vable!

Incon C vable!
Originally shared by Rob Shinn
Victoria Nigar created a poster. I thought it might need a bit of work to make it more convincing, so I've helped her out.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Originally shared by null
Alex Bayley writes: "Warner bought Larrikin Records’ assets — two decades of Australian music — not because they want to share the music with the public, but to bolster their intellectual property portfolio, in the hope that one day they’ll be able to sue someone for using a riff or a line of lyrics that sounds somewhat like something Redgum or Kev Carmody once wrote. They do this at the expense of Australian music, history, and culture."
Originally shared by null
Alex Bayley writes: "Warner bought Larrikin Records’ assets — two decades of Australian music — not because they want to share the music with the public, but to bolster their intellectual property portfolio, in the hope that one day they’ll be able to sue someone for using a riff or a line of lyrics that sounds somewhat like something Redgum or Kev Carmody once wrote. They do this at the expense of Australian music, history, and culture."
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Lessa woke, cold.
Lessa woke, cold.
Farewell Anne McCaffrey, I spent my lunch money on your books in high school and it was well spent.
Farewell Anne McCaffrey, I spent my lunch money on your books in high school and it was well spent.
Monday, 21 November 2011
I was pretty tired, but it was Spaghetti Scene time so basically The Decayed Elf wandered off with his Foundling...
I was pretty tired, but it was Spaghetti Scene time so basically The Decayed Elf wandered off with his Foundling Apprentice Sara, with the Chinese Masterchef's female apprentices in tow as chaperones, and was taught How Things Are Going To Be. All very proper too.
The others discussed visiting St Mary's Axe, and also what to do with the Architect Out of Time, Jonathon. It's been decided that everyone, aside from a couple of apprentices is going to check out 30 St Mary's Axe in the next session. But the party will include Eric and Sara and Jonathon...
There was some amusement had with the walkie talkies, TDE nearly hitting the roof when TES radioed. Then there was a bit of garbled/feedback that no one is sure is feedback, or someone else with the devices elsewhere ie high tech fishmen. Unlikely to be on the same channel, surely?
Usually I will run a session if I'm down a player, but not two. However, the Fakir is going to be the one who's missing, and they kinda might need the services of a master illusionist, as there's been a whole lot of illusioning going on.
Something of a struggle to decide what to do - you've got 5 out of 6 people present one week, and you could run the adventure by playing the player's character or you could wait until next week, and risk other people not being able to make it. This risks the impetus of your game falters, and you and your players, despite the notes forget things. How do other GM's work around it, I wonder.
I will decide on the night, as we might be down players anyway and on Friday night I was too tired to be making sensible decisions anyway by that stage.
Anyway, basically, the London Police came around and asked about the claw marks on the dozen or so Fishmen bodies in the street and were politely shrugged at. Unofficially, the constable was appraised of the situation differently. Subtle like. Whether he got the message that The London Shopkeeper was giving him correctly might remain to be seen.
The Decayed Elf also wants to catch up with Lord Saranathan at The Blue Flamingo but won't have an opportunity to do that until after the affair at 30 St Mary's Axe. Lord Saranathan ASSURED The London Shopkeeper that young Sebastian would come to no harm through him.
They haven't mentioned the fact that apparently there are transdimensional fishmen lobbing across back and forth from their London to another, more future one to the authorities, but whether that's intentional or just a by product of the swiftly moving times, is unclear.
It seems that the Fishmen want Jonathon in order to build a bridge from their London to other London, some sort of magical portal.
There are still missing people.
Nobody was attacked over night, but the Indian Fakir, having shuttered his upstairs window, would probably have been the most likely one attacked, as he lives alone - everyone else was accompanied in some form or other, and the Fishmen were, for the moment at least, probably reduced in numbers, having been severely tigered in the last session. But no one gets past a very annoyed London Boarding House landlady after she's been given a magical fright. Once she sets the newly purchased guardcharms for the night, no one's getting in without severe difficulties, and after that, they have HER to deal with.
The others discussed visiting St Mary's Axe, and also what to do with the Architect Out of Time, Jonathon. It's been decided that everyone, aside from a couple of apprentices is going to check out 30 St Mary's Axe in the next session. But the party will include Eric and Sara and Jonathon...
There was some amusement had with the walkie talkies, TDE nearly hitting the roof when TES radioed. Then there was a bit of garbled/feedback that no one is sure is feedback, or someone else with the devices elsewhere ie high tech fishmen. Unlikely to be on the same channel, surely?
Usually I will run a session if I'm down a player, but not two. However, the Fakir is going to be the one who's missing, and they kinda might need the services of a master illusionist, as there's been a whole lot of illusioning going on.
Something of a struggle to decide what to do - you've got 5 out of 6 people present one week, and you could run the adventure by playing the player's character or you could wait until next week, and risk other people not being able to make it. This risks the impetus of your game falters, and you and your players, despite the notes forget things. How do other GM's work around it, I wonder.
I will decide on the night, as we might be down players anyway and on Friday night I was too tired to be making sensible decisions anyway by that stage.
Anyway, basically, the London Police came around and asked about the claw marks on the dozen or so Fishmen bodies in the street and were politely shrugged at. Unofficially, the constable was appraised of the situation differently. Subtle like. Whether he got the message that The London Shopkeeper was giving him correctly might remain to be seen.
The Decayed Elf also wants to catch up with Lord Saranathan at The Blue Flamingo but won't have an opportunity to do that until after the affair at 30 St Mary's Axe. Lord Saranathan ASSURED The London Shopkeeper that young Sebastian would come to no harm through him.
They haven't mentioned the fact that apparently there are transdimensional fishmen lobbing across back and forth from their London to another, more future one to the authorities, but whether that's intentional or just a by product of the swiftly moving times, is unclear.
It seems that the Fishmen want Jonathon in order to build a bridge from their London to other London, some sort of magical portal.
There are still missing people.
Nobody was attacked over night, but the Indian Fakir, having shuttered his upstairs window, would probably have been the most likely one attacked, as he lives alone - everyone else was accompanied in some form or other, and the Fishmen were, for the moment at least, probably reduced in numbers, having been severely tigered in the last session. But no one gets past a very annoyed London Boarding House landlady after she's been given a magical fright. Once she sets the newly purchased guardcharms for the night, no one's getting in without severe difficulties, and after that, they have HER to deal with.
The Ice Worm Cometh • Damn Interesting
Originally shared by Rob Masters
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Saw The Immortals last night. Here's my review. http://leecetheartist.dreamwidth.org/276064.html
Saw The Immortals last night. Here's my review. http://leecetheartist.dreamwidth.org/276064.html
All about the Swancon Quiz tomorrow night. I'll be there, Rob will be there.
All about the Swancon Quiz tomorrow night. I'll be there, Rob will be there.
Will YOU? And if so, will you be on our table? Please join us! Let me know!
So in summary:
When: Friday 11/11/11 - 7:11pm (11:11 am GMT)
Where: UWA Tavern, Hackett Drv, Crawley
What: Really, you don't know yet?
Who: You and 5-7 quizmates
Why: QUIZ!!! Also raising money for Swancon! Also Spiritual Protection!
How: RSVP to tieryn.coman (at) gmail.com or fb message Chris Coman.
How Much: $80 per table ($11 per ticket, + $BIN(11) for the table organiser)
Will YOU? And if so, will you be on our table? Please join us! Let me know!
So in summary:
When: Friday 11/11/11 - 7:11pm (11:11 am GMT)
Where: UWA Tavern, Hackett Drv, Crawley
What: Really, you don't know yet?
Who: You and 5-7 quizmates
Why: QUIZ!!! Also raising money for Swancon! Also Spiritual Protection!
How: RSVP to tieryn.coman (at) gmail.com or fb message Chris Coman.
How Much: $80 per table ($11 per ticket, + $BIN(11) for the table organiser)
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
OK - even at that price, I'd be interested in the 7" version...
Originally shared by Rob Masters
OK - even at that price, I'd be interested in the 7" version...
OK - even at that price, I'd be interested in the 7" version...
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
http://www.lympago.com/leece_galleries/ClassicPaddle2011/index.html for photos of the before, during and after the...
http://www.lympago.com/leece_galleries/ClassicPaddle2011/index.html for photos of the before, during and after the race.
The Classic Paddle is done and dusted. There's a couple of more days to get your donations in if you've a mind to, to http://classicpaddle.gofundraise.com.au/page/RobertMasters or https://classicpaddle.gofundraise.com.au/page/AliciaSmith but in the meanwhile, have a look at some of the photos we - and Aussies In Action took of us along the way.
Thank you to all our sponsors!
The Classic Paddle is done and dusted. There's a couple of more days to get your donations in if you've a mind to, to http://classicpaddle.gofundraise.com.au/page/RobertMasters or https://classicpaddle.gofundraise.com.au/page/AliciaSmith but in the meanwhile, have a look at some of the photos we - and Aussies In Action took of us along the way.
Thank you to all our sponsors!
Monday, 7 November 2011
Australia, more than meets the eye

Originally shared by Lori Friedrich
Australia, more than meets the eye
An Aussie friend posted this on FB and it looked so lonely there, that I had to share here :)
Friday night the gamers came around, and the players were strolling along, to hopefully find The Scary Voiced Greek...
Friday night the gamers came around, and the players were strolling along, to hopefully find The Scary Voiced Greek Guy at the kebab shop when they realised that they were one player short. The Decayed Elf's blackened and wizzened heart had been shifted (I won't go so far as to say 'moved') by the homeless girl Sara, so he went hunting for her to try to offer her a better life.
Sara is suspicious, but elves are good guys right? "Are you a bad elf?"
"I've lied, I've murdered and killed, but I've never hurt a woman that way"
"so.......you're gay?"
"No...no...no I'm not gay"
Surprisingly, given his previous presentation, she agrees - after some rather good rpging by the player in question, and they rejoin the party who has just made contact with The Scary Voiced Greek Guy at the kebab shop, and after some discussion of who and who shouldn't be going, the entire party, including Sara and Jonathon the architect activate the Echidney stone, and arrive back at Harry the Fixer's shop.
Here they learn that the place is surrounded by fog - and that Sebastian has plunged out into it. They start their best fog dispelling, while TSVGG's idea of throwing fireballs blindly out into it is vetoed strenuously.
They soon discern that the fog is getting thinner, and blowing away and the normal flow of traffic and people is starting to resume, complete with police whistles and exclamations.
They also see the body of a fishman, eviscerated by some great claws, and tiger prints around it.
Luckily no fireballs were thrown because Lord Saranathan from the Blue Flamingo steps into the shop, and indicates that any differences between the players and he "Can be put aside by all when it comes to extermination of this verminous offal of the ocean".
TSVGG makes a friendly 'hello' which is rebuffed with a hiss, as one would expect, and the Decayed Elf is greeted warmly. He reacts politely to everyone else and takes his leave.
There's some discussion of the chaperonage and education of young Sara, and we wrapped.
I've had a very event filled weekend since then, so I would be delighted if you were to add your own version of events or pick up on any points I may have forgotten.
Sara is suspicious, but elves are good guys right? "Are you a bad elf?"
"I've lied, I've murdered and killed, but I've never hurt a woman that way"
"so.......you're gay?"
"No...no...no I'm not gay"
Surprisingly, given his previous presentation, she agrees - after some rather good rpging by the player in question, and they rejoin the party who has just made contact with The Scary Voiced Greek Guy at the kebab shop, and after some discussion of who and who shouldn't be going, the entire party, including Sara and Jonathon the architect activate the Echidney stone, and arrive back at Harry the Fixer's shop.
Here they learn that the place is surrounded by fog - and that Sebastian has plunged out into it. They start their best fog dispelling, while TSVGG's idea of throwing fireballs blindly out into it is vetoed strenuously.
They soon discern that the fog is getting thinner, and blowing away and the normal flow of traffic and people is starting to resume, complete with police whistles and exclamations.
They also see the body of a fishman, eviscerated by some great claws, and tiger prints around it.
Luckily no fireballs were thrown because Lord Saranathan from the Blue Flamingo steps into the shop, and indicates that any differences between the players and he "Can be put aside by all when it comes to extermination of this verminous offal of the ocean".
TSVGG makes a friendly 'hello' which is rebuffed with a hiss, as one would expect, and the Decayed Elf is greeted warmly. He reacts politely to everyone else and takes his leave.
There's some discussion of the chaperonage and education of young Sara, and we wrapped.
I've had a very event filled weekend since then, so I would be delighted if you were to add your own version of events or pick up on any points I may have forgotten.
Guy floating up and down Cottesloe, slope soaring.

Originally shared by Alicia Smith
Guy floating up and down Cottesloe, slope soaring. Gave us a wave as he went by several times, most times just keeping the same position like a windhover. The rig he had looked quite comfortable. There was a conventional hang glider too, but I didn't catch that before it landed.
Rob and the STS Leeuwin II at Port Beach, Fremantle.

Originally shared by Alicia Smith
Rob and the STS Leeuwin II at Port Beach, Fremantle.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Rob and the STS Leeuwin II at Port Beach, Fremantle.

Rob and the STS Leeuwin II at Port Beach, Fremantle.
Guy floating up and down Cottesloe, slope soaring.

Guy floating up and down Cottesloe, slope soaring. Gave us a wave as he went by several times, most times just keeping the same position like a windhover. The rig he had looked quite comfortable. There was a conventional hang glider too, but I didn't catch that before it landed.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Just for us GURPS gamers reference, really, it's a link to all my entries about the Alternate Victorian Game in case...
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
Just for us GURPS gamers reference, really, it's a link to all my entries about the Alternate Victorian Game in case you ever need to refresh your memory about things, whether in the Lake District or in London.
Just for us GURPS gamers reference, really, it's a link to all my entries about the Alternate Victorian Game in case you ever need to refresh your memory about things, whether in the Lake District or in London.
Such an awesome game tonight.
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
Such an awesome game tonight. It could have all gone so badly for my gamers tonight, in my Alternate Victorian London Gurps game, but instead they showed leadership and alacrity and saved someone from a nasty fate. They don't really know how close it was…because, surprisingly, they made a cascade of correct decisions.
Such an awesome game tonight. It could have all gone so badly for my gamers tonight, in my Alternate Victorian London Gurps game, but instead they showed leadership and alacrity and saved someone from a nasty fate. They don't really know how close it was…because, surprisingly, they made a cascade of correct decisions.
An interesting and quite a light hearted night which is quite bizarre considering where the characters ended up.
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
An interesting and quite a light hearted night which is quite bizarre considering where the characters ended up. Steveg has been excluded from this entry for now as his characters are unaware of what has gone on.
Firstly, Orthrus gets a note from Prince Convruth apologising for his and "Lord Setanta's" absence - they are pretty much both grounded while Lord Setanta recovers, they'll probably be able to resume the sightseeing on the day after.
Meanwhile the papers are full of the Dead Fishman on the Thames report.
Some broadsheets suggest that there's been as many as 10 people killed by the beast before it was killed by the brave mudlarkers!
Orthrus goes to report Convruth's note to Harry, and furthermore regales him with tales of fishmen tunnelling up from the bowels of London to invade, and that they should go and kill them.
Harry takes this with a grain of salt, and Orthrus goes off to stir the Decayed Elf, Lord Fingolfin, who also rejects immediate action on account of his lady friend's presence.
Orthrus does a little shopping, scaring Wilkes the weaponsmith, who eventually consents to sell him a sabre. He also runs into one of The Chinese Master Chef's apprentices, who arranges for some spices and herbs to be sent to Orthrus's workshop, as he hopes, (as I understand it, this was early in the session and I might have remembered wrong, and it's bloody 1 am now) to either try cooking them himself or to get Sung Pao in to show him how or just to cook generally. He also tells the apprentice of the note from Prince Convruth.
People get themselves together and off everyone went to the Crystal Palace, to see if the captive fishman there was still captive. In goes Kuval and Harry, but to their, and the Crystal Palace owners eventual dismay, Kuval discovers that not only is the fishman display an illusion - chillingly - so is Lawrence, his owner.
They go back outside to where Fingolfin and Orthrus are eating pies and waiting impatiently for the chance to go and kill some fishmen, and inform them. At this point there's something of an argument. Harry and Kuval want to go to the Society, alarmed that the Fishman body there being dissected is actually a masterful illusion cast on Lawrence's live or dead body.
These two go there, and meet Terry Alcyone, a miniture engineerest and some sort of relative to Mrs Alcyone. He directs them to Dr Cuthbert, who is in the middle of dissecting the Fishman corpse. Everyone keeps their lunches, except the Fishman whose last meal appears to be the hands of at least two individuals, a child and a woman, perhaps. Harry is horrified, he's missing a messenger. And Mrs Alcyon isn't around.
Kuval and Harry instruct that Mrs Alcyone be checked to make sure she's real, and leave to meet the others who meanwhile....
Have returned to above where Lord Tan was found. Orthrus looks around - "Can I see a bit of solid wood?"
Yes, there's a door lying over there...no handle though...he picks it up and to his surprise there's a hole underneath. Of course he and Lord Fingolfin wander down it, at least having the sense to leave chalk marks.
Orthrus begins to hear a familiar voice calling him. He tries stuffing his ears but it seems to be coming from in his own head. He tries to ignore it, with some success.
The passage they're in is bricky and earthy, not very damp. It doesn't at first seem to relate to the area where they found Tan...leaving chalk marks they find some tracks, but then Fingolfin has a vision through the floor of massive gates, a dark, dark river and an amazing three headed snake furred dog howling. Not having a Classical Education, he has no idea what this means.
Orthrus proclaims that he will drink a potion to turn himself into a two headed dog (apparently he's working on the third) and Fingolfin says, beauty, tracking!
Orthrus turns into a two headed, snake tailed dog, 8 feet high.
They follow the tracks which appear to be that of a human fleeing a Fishman, and after a brief distraction and dead end - although Orthrus had a nice dig in a fresh pile of earth with bones! bones! bones! and came away with a nice beef bone out of it - they turn torward the damper tunnel which suddenly opens out onto a huge cavern and a dark river flowing.
Far out on the water a dark ship floats, and comes towards them.
The Ferryman who has a nice wide hat and a pleasant manner, greets Orthrus in a friendly fashion and says his brother is after a chat. Orthrus starts fretting about change for Fingolfin. The right change. The ferryman is insistant that Fingolfin shouldn't wander away from Orthrus, "If he's your mate, if he's with you."
Lord Fingolfin has never, of all places, been to Greece and knows nothing of Hades. He's just enjoying the trip and Just Can't Understand why Orthrus is so concerned that he has the right change. He's also thinking that this is a big river to be serviced by just one boat. They need some competition around here! Another ferry at least. But there's something funny about this place, that everyone else knows about, which annoys him, (the values of a classical education) and he doesn't. He gets on the Boatman's good side by offering him some pork pie.
Kuval and Harry turn up on the shore of the great subterranean river which is probably the Acheron or maybe the Styx. (Kuval - of course we know dogs are into sticks!) On the boat, the passengers and the ferryman become aware of them, and after a great deal of worrying about whether there's enough matching coins to get them there and back, goes and picks them up, before they Wander Off - definitely not a good thing to happen here! But they'll be all right if they stick with you.
They are ferried across into Hades proper, to the descent to the Gates. There they meet the 20 foot high fire breathing snake tailed and furred, black, red and white Cerberus http://www.theoi.com/Gallery/M12.1.html, who has a chat to Orthrus about Certain Other Matters, who definitely gets on his good side by submitting the beef bone to him. Cerberus seems very well disposed toward Orthrus who he names as his brother in the hearing of the other characters.
Kuval's snake charming skills allow the characters to discern that Lawrence, the owner of the captive fish man is still alive - Kuval's music buys them the information from the snake who know all who pass the various multi afterlives doors.
After expressions of good will all around, although Cerberos looks askance somewhat at the perplexed Decayed Elf, the party turn their backs on the gates of Hades. Going down is easy.
There are some rather uneasy jokes about Charon being a pickpocket and noone having any change to get back with.
Fingolfin starts to look back, but finds his way blocked by a concerned 8 foot dog who says "It's traditional not to look back". Just in case.
An interesting and quite a light hearted night which is quite bizarre considering where the characters ended up. Steveg has been excluded from this entry for now as his characters are unaware of what has gone on.
Firstly, Orthrus gets a note from Prince Convruth apologising for his and "Lord Setanta's" absence - they are pretty much both grounded while Lord Setanta recovers, they'll probably be able to resume the sightseeing on the day after.
Meanwhile the papers are full of the Dead Fishman on the Thames report.
Some broadsheets suggest that there's been as many as 10 people killed by the beast before it was killed by the brave mudlarkers!
Orthrus goes to report Convruth's note to Harry, and furthermore regales him with tales of fishmen tunnelling up from the bowels of London to invade, and that they should go and kill them.
Harry takes this with a grain of salt, and Orthrus goes off to stir the Decayed Elf, Lord Fingolfin, who also rejects immediate action on account of his lady friend's presence.
Orthrus does a little shopping, scaring Wilkes the weaponsmith, who eventually consents to sell him a sabre. He also runs into one of The Chinese Master Chef's apprentices, who arranges for some spices and herbs to be sent to Orthrus's workshop, as he hopes, (as I understand it, this was early in the session and I might have remembered wrong, and it's bloody 1 am now) to either try cooking them himself or to get Sung Pao in to show him how or just to cook generally. He also tells the apprentice of the note from Prince Convruth.
People get themselves together and off everyone went to the Crystal Palace, to see if the captive fishman there was still captive. In goes Kuval and Harry, but to their, and the Crystal Palace owners eventual dismay, Kuval discovers that not only is the fishman display an illusion - chillingly - so is Lawrence, his owner.
They go back outside to where Fingolfin and Orthrus are eating pies and waiting impatiently for the chance to go and kill some fishmen, and inform them. At this point there's something of an argument. Harry and Kuval want to go to the Society, alarmed that the Fishman body there being dissected is actually a masterful illusion cast on Lawrence's live or dead body.
These two go there, and meet Terry Alcyone, a miniture engineerest and some sort of relative to Mrs Alcyone. He directs them to Dr Cuthbert, who is in the middle of dissecting the Fishman corpse. Everyone keeps their lunches, except the Fishman whose last meal appears to be the hands of at least two individuals, a child and a woman, perhaps. Harry is horrified, he's missing a messenger. And Mrs Alcyon isn't around.
Kuval and Harry instruct that Mrs Alcyone be checked to make sure she's real, and leave to meet the others who meanwhile....
Have returned to above where Lord Tan was found. Orthrus looks around - "Can I see a bit of solid wood?"
Yes, there's a door lying over there...no handle though...he picks it up and to his surprise there's a hole underneath. Of course he and Lord Fingolfin wander down it, at least having the sense to leave chalk marks.
Orthrus begins to hear a familiar voice calling him. He tries stuffing his ears but it seems to be coming from in his own head. He tries to ignore it, with some success.
The passage they're in is bricky and earthy, not very damp. It doesn't at first seem to relate to the area where they found Tan...leaving chalk marks they find some tracks, but then Fingolfin has a vision through the floor of massive gates, a dark, dark river and an amazing three headed snake furred dog howling. Not having a Classical Education, he has no idea what this means.
Orthrus proclaims that he will drink a potion to turn himself into a two headed dog (apparently he's working on the third) and Fingolfin says, beauty, tracking!
Orthrus turns into a two headed, snake tailed dog, 8 feet high.
They follow the tracks which appear to be that of a human fleeing a Fishman, and after a brief distraction and dead end - although Orthrus had a nice dig in a fresh pile of earth with bones! bones! bones! and came away with a nice beef bone out of it - they turn torward the damper tunnel which suddenly opens out onto a huge cavern and a dark river flowing.
Far out on the water a dark ship floats, and comes towards them.
The Ferryman who has a nice wide hat and a pleasant manner, greets Orthrus in a friendly fashion and says his brother is after a chat. Orthrus starts fretting about change for Fingolfin. The right change. The ferryman is insistant that Fingolfin shouldn't wander away from Orthrus, "If he's your mate, if he's with you."
Lord Fingolfin has never, of all places, been to Greece and knows nothing of Hades. He's just enjoying the trip and Just Can't Understand why Orthrus is so concerned that he has the right change. He's also thinking that this is a big river to be serviced by just one boat. They need some competition around here! Another ferry at least. But there's something funny about this place, that everyone else knows about, which annoys him, (the values of a classical education) and he doesn't. He gets on the Boatman's good side by offering him some pork pie.
Kuval and Harry turn up on the shore of the great subterranean river which is probably the Acheron or maybe the Styx. (Kuval - of course we know dogs are into sticks!) On the boat, the passengers and the ferryman become aware of them, and after a great deal of worrying about whether there's enough matching coins to get them there and back, goes and picks them up, before they Wander Off - definitely not a good thing to happen here! But they'll be all right if they stick with you.
They are ferried across into Hades proper, to the descent to the Gates. There they meet the 20 foot high fire breathing snake tailed and furred, black, red and white Cerberus http://www.theoi.com/Gallery/M12.1.html, who has a chat to Orthrus about Certain Other Matters, who definitely gets on his good side by submitting the beef bone to him. Cerberus seems very well disposed toward Orthrus who he names as his brother in the hearing of the other characters.
Kuval's snake charming skills allow the characters to discern that Lawrence, the owner of the captive fish man is still alive - Kuval's music buys them the information from the snake who know all who pass the various multi afterlives doors.
After expressions of good will all around, although Cerberos looks askance somewhat at the perplexed Decayed Elf, the party turn their backs on the gates of Hades. Going down is easy.
There are some rather uneasy jokes about Charon being a pickpocket and noone having any change to get back with.
Fingolfin starts to look back, but finds his way blocked by a concerned 8 foot dog who says "It's traditional not to look back". Just in case.
So, during our last session we find The Chinese Masterchef informed of Lord Tan's convalescence.
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
So, during our last session we find The Chinese Masterchef informed of Lord Tan's convalescence. Being the civic minded chap he is, he decides to bake some delicious pastries and deliver them to the doorstep of the Irish delegation. But, along the way the London crowds start acting a little strangely, diverted by a Stranger In Their Midst.
This stranger, wearing a odd round hat, wearing a suit of compelling closeness and a stupendously fine weave, but with no waistcoat, and a phenomenally light umbrella is well aware of the attention he is receiving, and is trying to ignore it. The crowd is sure there's a show going on.
A Dapper Young Lord About Town enjoying the freedom recently experienced by the end of his incarceration at school (Hitherto ADYLAT) is arrested by the sight of two Chinamen -(The Chinese MasterChef and his apprentice) perhaps there's a carnival somewhere - and keeps an interested eye upon them.
TCMC bows his head politely as he passes the Stranger, who desperately - and perhaps fancifully detects a degree of sympathy in his character. Having spent some years in Singapore he greets the chef with "Ni hao ma." TCMC is pleased to hear good Mandarin anywhere and they chat a little, the Stranger, Jonathon Williamson, revealing that he is astonished by finding himself where he is, and that the centaur cabbies and the stink of London reveal that he is not at home, although he admits that he lives in London.
TCMC quickly establishes a visit to Harry the Fixer might be in order for the gentleman, and they are trailed by a curious ADYLAT who has nothing better to do.
After an exchange with one of 'arry's watchers, they are informed that 'ee wen' orf wiv dat Greek fella.
TCMC, despairing of getting his pastries to the Irish delegation, then decides that the Royal Society is the place to go.
On their way along the river, just where the Embankment is due to be put in some years time, ADYLAT gets a funny feeling, and warns the group ahead as the waters in the river near them roil, this warning allows them to get clear of the ensuing attack as a hail of stones rise from the water and pelt at them.
ADYLAT is wounded in the ensuing melee as two Fishmen rise from the river and hurl themselves at the suddenly beknifed CMC and his apprentice. Jonathon is instructed to get behind them. ADYLAT moves to intercept, drawing his sword cane.
Meanwhile, in the Underworld, Harry the Fixer the London Shopkeeper and Lord Fingolfin AKA The Decayed Elf and Kuval Rathmanapanathan find themselves bereft of the company of Mr Orthrus, the Scary Voiced Greek Guy.
It is a lot harder getting back without him, but they manage it by helping each other, and particularly with Kuval's help with the more wriggly aspects of climbing a cliff entirely made of snakes. They emerge on the proto-embankment, and assist with the putting down of the Fishmen.
Centaur cabbies are summoned to take them back to Harry the Fixer's shop, along with the body of the dead fishman (the other having been er...thrown back in the river, I think...what happened there?) I know the Cabby is actually charging to get the body back to Harry's, as, geez, getting the stink and blood out of the upholstery is bloody murder.
The heads, however, have been left on spikes As A Warning by The Decayed Elf. The Decayed Elf and ADYLAT have found in each other kindred spirits in delighting in mayhem and destruction. This can only lead to no good for The Long Suffering GM.
Jonathon's postcard of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_St_Mary_Axe is handed around and the characters establish that this is the same building that appeared in the vision of Orthrus's seed pods.
Johnathon is bouncing between wonder, excitement, very weak denial (reenactments just don't smell like this, and hello, centaur cabbies) dread and slight hysteria. And dammit, he's an architect not a historian! What shocked him, perhaps, the most, is the way all of the PC's stopped and looked at him in wonder at his mention of the concept of parallel alternate worlds. He wonders whether he is changing history by chance comments like this, but is somewhat reassured by Harry's statement, this is clearly not his history. It is also established that he is not enchanted in any way.
What will the PC's do next?
A trip to the Royal Society? A trip to 30 St Mary Axe?
What's with the Fishmen? How many are there and why do the newspaper reports contradict themselves? Why were there no policemen down at the river after the fight, usually you can't sneeze without some copper breathing down your neck.
And where the hades is Mr Orthrus?
So, during our last session we find The Chinese Masterchef informed of Lord Tan's convalescence. Being the civic minded chap he is, he decides to bake some delicious pastries and deliver them to the doorstep of the Irish delegation. But, along the way the London crowds start acting a little strangely, diverted by a Stranger In Their Midst.
This stranger, wearing a odd round hat, wearing a suit of compelling closeness and a stupendously fine weave, but with no waistcoat, and a phenomenally light umbrella is well aware of the attention he is receiving, and is trying to ignore it. The crowd is sure there's a show going on.
A Dapper Young Lord About Town enjoying the freedom recently experienced by the end of his incarceration at school (Hitherto ADYLAT) is arrested by the sight of two Chinamen -(The Chinese MasterChef and his apprentice) perhaps there's a carnival somewhere - and keeps an interested eye upon them.
TCMC bows his head politely as he passes the Stranger, who desperately - and perhaps fancifully detects a degree of sympathy in his character. Having spent some years in Singapore he greets the chef with "Ni hao ma." TCMC is pleased to hear good Mandarin anywhere and they chat a little, the Stranger, Jonathon Williamson, revealing that he is astonished by finding himself where he is, and that the centaur cabbies and the stink of London reveal that he is not at home, although he admits that he lives in London.
TCMC quickly establishes a visit to Harry the Fixer might be in order for the gentleman, and they are trailed by a curious ADYLAT who has nothing better to do.
After an exchange with one of 'arry's watchers, they are informed that 'ee wen' orf wiv dat Greek fella.
TCMC, despairing of getting his pastries to the Irish delegation, then decides that the Royal Society is the place to go.
On their way along the river, just where the Embankment is due to be put in some years time, ADYLAT gets a funny feeling, and warns the group ahead as the waters in the river near them roil, this warning allows them to get clear of the ensuing attack as a hail of stones rise from the water and pelt at them.
ADYLAT is wounded in the ensuing melee as two Fishmen rise from the river and hurl themselves at the suddenly beknifed CMC and his apprentice. Jonathon is instructed to get behind them. ADYLAT moves to intercept, drawing his sword cane.
Meanwhile, in the Underworld, Harry the Fixer the London Shopkeeper and Lord Fingolfin AKA The Decayed Elf and Kuval Rathmanapanathan find themselves bereft of the company of Mr Orthrus, the Scary Voiced Greek Guy.
It is a lot harder getting back without him, but they manage it by helping each other, and particularly with Kuval's help with the more wriggly aspects of climbing a cliff entirely made of snakes. They emerge on the proto-embankment, and assist with the putting down of the Fishmen.
Centaur cabbies are summoned to take them back to Harry the Fixer's shop, along with the body of the dead fishman (the other having been er...thrown back in the river, I think...what happened there?) I know the Cabby is actually charging to get the body back to Harry's, as, geez, getting the stink and blood out of the upholstery is bloody murder.
The heads, however, have been left on spikes As A Warning by The Decayed Elf. The Decayed Elf and ADYLAT have found in each other kindred spirits in delighting in mayhem and destruction. This can only lead to no good for The Long Suffering GM.
Jonathon's postcard of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_St_Mary_Axe is handed around and the characters establish that this is the same building that appeared in the vision of Orthrus's seed pods.
Johnathon is bouncing between wonder, excitement, very weak denial (reenactments just don't smell like this, and hello, centaur cabbies) dread and slight hysteria. And dammit, he's an architect not a historian! What shocked him, perhaps, the most, is the way all of the PC's stopped and looked at him in wonder at his mention of the concept of parallel alternate worlds. He wonders whether he is changing history by chance comments like this, but is somewhat reassured by Harry's statement, this is clearly not his history. It is also established that he is not enchanted in any way.
What will the PC's do next?
A trip to the Royal Society? A trip to 30 St Mary Axe?
What's with the Fishmen? How many are there and why do the newspaper reports contradict themselves? Why were there no policemen down at the river after the fight, usually you can't sneeze without some copper breathing down your neck.
And where the hades is Mr Orthrus?
Friday and what happened to the London Crew.
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
Friday and what happened to the London Crew.
The Scary Voiced Greek Guy, lost in a maze of hostile traffic, talks to a homeless London inhabitant who promises to take him to someplace he can shelter, an apparently abandoned warehouse. Naturally he attacks TSVGG as soon as he gets him into a dark alley and a fight ensues.
TSVGG wins, but has been wounded in the fraca. Sick due to magical complications, and bleeding, he seeks shelter in a pile of cardboard boxes and passes out. When he wakes up, one of his heads (he is transforming in reaction to...things) is being stroked by an 11? 12? year old girl - Sara, who has run away...from somewhere and doesn't seem to mind that he's a two headed snake tailed monsterdog. Sara has had bad experiences in life and is walking a very shaky line of reality because of it. TSVGG gives her some money he was keeping in one of his mouths and she goes to get them both some food.
While they're eating, there's a scream and, leaving Sara calmly eating (she thinks about 15 people have been killed in this burnt out wasteland, but who knows what really has happened. She may have been dissociating at the time.) and finds two Fish men killing a woman. TSVGG attacks them - too late to do anything for the woman, alas, and isn't doing too well until Sara, having finished the first hot food she's had for a month, comes and stabs one of the Fish men who also dies.
TSVGG finishes off the other Fishman and decides that he wants some Greek food, but Sara insists that he comes with her. Sara is surprised other people can see this dog...but Londoners are notoriously unfazeable and they make it to the kebab shop alright. Sara, unwilling to go in, is surprised when TSVGG goes in and starts talking to the proprietor. Whilst negotiating food and advertising and a place to sleep, TSVGG turns to include Sara, but she is gone, taking his money with her.
The kebab guy leaves TSVGG to mind the shop, it's closing time for him.
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew, sans Sebastian and various apprentices, have arrived at The Isle of Dogs with Jonathon the modern/nonmagical London Architect. He buys them all tickets, pops them on the train and chivvies them to his penthouse apartment in a skyscraper in Canary Wharf.
There he makes them tea / coffee according to their tastes, and learns of The Decayed Elf's uneasiness away from his usual...suppliers. The Chinese Masterchef is introduced to the kitchen, and Jonathon makes everyone some microwave chicken and rice. He might be a rocking architect, but his cooking skills are nothing like TCMC when confronted with an unexpected bunch of people dropping in.
The Indian Fakir strolls up to the glass wall 300 metre high building and enjoys the view. Jonathon's penthouse comprises a very simple open plan skyhouse, with very few walls, and comfortable furnishings. He's an architect and this is a place he's designed for himself to be comfortable in and to have friends and rellies over. The PC's enjoy the thick carpet and the lounges, but the wonder that intrigues them most is the lounge that turns into a bed, even more so than the moving pictures and the skyscrapers! My players are doing wonderfully at the sense of wonder that their characters are experiencing. Jonathon assures them that they are coping far better than he did in his tour of their London.
After instruction in the art of telephoning, the internet and television and waving aside mostly Harry the Fixer's low tech epiphanies about it all, Jonathon takes TDE shopping for clothes and accompanies The Chinese MasterChef for a walk to orient himself. It's amusing that his local pub is still going, largely unchanged!
And there we more or less left things. I have been given additional instructions by the Chinese Masterchef. I also need to get Sebastian's player and the Chinese Masterchef's apprentices' player together somehow because things are going to happen at Harry the Fixer's shop whilst they're away.
Friday and what happened to the London Crew.
The Scary Voiced Greek Guy, lost in a maze of hostile traffic, talks to a homeless London inhabitant who promises to take him to someplace he can shelter, an apparently abandoned warehouse. Naturally he attacks TSVGG as soon as he gets him into a dark alley and a fight ensues.
TSVGG wins, but has been wounded in the fraca. Sick due to magical complications, and bleeding, he seeks shelter in a pile of cardboard boxes and passes out. When he wakes up, one of his heads (he is transforming in reaction to...things) is being stroked by an 11? 12? year old girl - Sara, who has run away...from somewhere and doesn't seem to mind that he's a two headed snake tailed monsterdog. Sara has had bad experiences in life and is walking a very shaky line of reality because of it. TSVGG gives her some money he was keeping in one of his mouths and she goes to get them both some food.
While they're eating, there's a scream and, leaving Sara calmly eating (she thinks about 15 people have been killed in this burnt out wasteland, but who knows what really has happened. She may have been dissociating at the time.) and finds two Fish men killing a woman. TSVGG attacks them - too late to do anything for the woman, alas, and isn't doing too well until Sara, having finished the first hot food she's had for a month, comes and stabs one of the Fish men who also dies.
TSVGG finishes off the other Fishman and decides that he wants some Greek food, but Sara insists that he comes with her. Sara is surprised other people can see this dog...but Londoners are notoriously unfazeable and they make it to the kebab shop alright. Sara, unwilling to go in, is surprised when TSVGG goes in and starts talking to the proprietor. Whilst negotiating food and advertising and a place to sleep, TSVGG turns to include Sara, but she is gone, taking his money with her.
The kebab guy leaves TSVGG to mind the shop, it's closing time for him.
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew, sans Sebastian and various apprentices, have arrived at The Isle of Dogs with Jonathon the modern/nonmagical London Architect. He buys them all tickets, pops them on the train and chivvies them to his penthouse apartment in a skyscraper in Canary Wharf.
There he makes them tea / coffee according to their tastes, and learns of The Decayed Elf's uneasiness away from his usual...suppliers. The Chinese Masterchef is introduced to the kitchen, and Jonathon makes everyone some microwave chicken and rice. He might be a rocking architect, but his cooking skills are nothing like TCMC when confronted with an unexpected bunch of people dropping in.
The Indian Fakir strolls up to the glass wall 300 metre high building and enjoys the view. Jonathon's penthouse comprises a very simple open plan skyhouse, with very few walls, and comfortable furnishings. He's an architect and this is a place he's designed for himself to be comfortable in and to have friends and rellies over. The PC's enjoy the thick carpet and the lounges, but the wonder that intrigues them most is the lounge that turns into a bed, even more so than the moving pictures and the skyscrapers! My players are doing wonderfully at the sense of wonder that their characters are experiencing. Jonathon assures them that they are coping far better than he did in his tour of their London.
After instruction in the art of telephoning, the internet and television and waving aside mostly Harry the Fixer's low tech epiphanies about it all, Jonathon takes TDE shopping for clothes and accompanies The Chinese MasterChef for a walk to orient himself. It's amusing that his local pub is still going, largely unchanged!
And there we more or less left things. I have been given additional instructions by the Chinese Masterchef. I also need to get Sebastian's player and the Chinese Masterchef's apprentices' player together somehow because things are going to happen at Harry the Fixer's shop whilst they're away.
11 November · 19:00 - 22:00 is the Swancon Quiz Night, who would like to attend our table?
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
11 November · 19:00 - 22:00 is the Swancon Quiz Night, who would like to attend our table? Gaming won't be on that night. I have invited Poss.
11 November · 19:00 - 22:00 is the Swancon Quiz Night, who would like to attend our table? Gaming won't be on that night. I have invited Poss.
Due to The Scary Voiced Greek Guy's absenteeism, we could not follow his adventures in present day London.
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
Due to The Scary Voiced Greek Guy's absenteeism, we could not follow his adventures in present day London.
Instead, The Chinese Masterchef and The Decayed Elf go shopping with Jonathan the Architect, for weapons for them, and technology for him. They also visit the buildings where The Royal Society were housed in their time. The Chinese Masterchef chalks up messages to the missing SVGG.
They are contacted during this by a concerned London Shopkeeper and the Indian Fakir back at Jonathan's penthouse - some one is knocking at the door - and looking through the peephole, it's a young man with a bunch of flowers.
It's soon established it's no one Jonathan knows - anyway, he says, they'd send chocolate if anything. Puzzled that they've bypassed security Jonathon absently waves off concern that his neighbours might be in danger. "No, that's alright, I haven't rented out the rest of the floor to anyone else yet, I have no neighbours"
Pound signs light up in The Decayed Elf's eyes K-CHING K-CHING K-CHING! his player mutters, not very softly.
Jonathon, who is not stupid, and has had a very realistic illusion demonstrated by him by the able Fakir, in (quite literally) the past, asks - "Well, is it an illusion?"
And it seems that it is, 5 fishmen are at Jonathan's door with ill intent.
The Indian Fakir counters with an illusion of his own, he is now apparently a hatstand and The London Shopkeeper a table. The Fishmen, emboldened by the lack of response from outside start trying to get in. Jonathon is gratified that his security is working, his first alarm rings him to let him know that the door is being abused. He decides not to call the police or security at this point.
The others rush back and a short battle proceeds. The Fishmen are completely surprised and are made pretty short work of. Unfortunately one of them teleports away.
To his startlement, even though he didn't think he should have succeeded that well in the spell, The London Shopkeeper is able to understand the dying fishman, and interrogates him. He's left with a confused image of another 30 St Mary's Axe, built in their time, with a shimmering bridge like connection between them. They need Jonathon for it, though.
Given the ease with which the Fishmen are moving in this time and technology, and with the possibility that English is at least some of theirs' native language it has serious implications.
Jonathon grimly assists with clean up of the bodies, once they're dehydrated.
Some powerstones are recovered and are welcomed by the party.
People are feeling the magic pinch.
There's also some argument about what is actually required to bring TSVGG home. Only time will tell. Do they need everyone who went to touch the stone?
Whilst the magic users rest, Jonathon serves tea/coffee and bikkies. He switches channels and checks the internet for fishmen, and is disgusted by all the hits, and then somewhat concerned. Someone tells him to look for two headed dogs.
Jonathon, protesting the limitations of the technology, says "You can't just Google two headed dog in London and expect it to immediately come up on Twitter or somewhere".
He proceeds to demonstrate the opposite. People have tweeted Mr Othrus with convenient street locations not far away in London. They decide to check out the nearest Greek food place.
Jonathon "It's about a kilometre from the nearest kebab shop".
Everyone looks at him blankly. "That what from the what?"
Jonathon "Look, don't people from the magical past understand words that start with K?"
It's decided that Jonathon should accompany them - it's possible that the Fishmen may try to nab him, and it's not certain whether he's needed for the activation of the stone.
The party come across Sara, the abused runaway who TSVGG accompanied for a time. She is very upset with him (despite the fact she actually ran away from him...but it's complicated by her mental instabilities). The London Shopkeeper has a really good try of helping her, assisted a little by the Chinese Master Chef, but they're both severely hampered by The Decayed Elf's blundering offers of money and shelter. Given her history, not the best move. Jonathon, a little more educated in psychology realises that a young girl like that isn't going to go off with 3 Strange Men and an Elf, all of them male.
They do manage to give her a laugh though, when the Decayed Elf lights up The London Shopkeeper's fog ball in an attempt to prove magic - alas, sucking up more of their precious mana.
"Magic - it WORKS, bitches!" She crows.
They do manage to confirm that they're on the right track - and that Orthrus was last seen at the kebab shop. So they head there. Whether he's still there or not, I don't know. Hopefully we shall find out the week after next, because gaming is cancelled next week due to TIF, TCMC and TDE's players all being absent.
Due to The Scary Voiced Greek Guy's absenteeism, we could not follow his adventures in present day London.
Instead, The Chinese Masterchef and The Decayed Elf go shopping with Jonathan the Architect, for weapons for them, and technology for him. They also visit the buildings where The Royal Society were housed in their time. The Chinese Masterchef chalks up messages to the missing SVGG.
They are contacted during this by a concerned London Shopkeeper and the Indian Fakir back at Jonathan's penthouse - some one is knocking at the door - and looking through the peephole, it's a young man with a bunch of flowers.
It's soon established it's no one Jonathan knows - anyway, he says, they'd send chocolate if anything. Puzzled that they've bypassed security Jonathon absently waves off concern that his neighbours might be in danger. "No, that's alright, I haven't rented out the rest of the floor to anyone else yet, I have no neighbours"
Pound signs light up in The Decayed Elf's eyes K-CHING K-CHING K-CHING! his player mutters, not very softly.
Jonathon, who is not stupid, and has had a very realistic illusion demonstrated by him by the able Fakir, in (quite literally) the past, asks - "Well, is it an illusion?"
And it seems that it is, 5 fishmen are at Jonathan's door with ill intent.
The Indian Fakir counters with an illusion of his own, he is now apparently a hatstand and The London Shopkeeper a table. The Fishmen, emboldened by the lack of response from outside start trying to get in. Jonathon is gratified that his security is working, his first alarm rings him to let him know that the door is being abused. He decides not to call the police or security at this point.
The others rush back and a short battle proceeds. The Fishmen are completely surprised and are made pretty short work of. Unfortunately one of them teleports away.
To his startlement, even though he didn't think he should have succeeded that well in the spell, The London Shopkeeper is able to understand the dying fishman, and interrogates him. He's left with a confused image of another 30 St Mary's Axe, built in their time, with a shimmering bridge like connection between them. They need Jonathon for it, though.
Given the ease with which the Fishmen are moving in this time and technology, and with the possibility that English is at least some of theirs' native language it has serious implications.
Jonathon grimly assists with clean up of the bodies, once they're dehydrated.
Some powerstones are recovered and are welcomed by the party.
People are feeling the magic pinch.
There's also some argument about what is actually required to bring TSVGG home. Only time will tell. Do they need everyone who went to touch the stone?
Whilst the magic users rest, Jonathon serves tea/coffee and bikkies. He switches channels and checks the internet for fishmen, and is disgusted by all the hits, and then somewhat concerned. Someone tells him to look for two headed dogs.
Jonathon, protesting the limitations of the technology, says "You can't just Google two headed dog in London and expect it to immediately come up on Twitter or somewhere".
He proceeds to demonstrate the opposite. People have tweeted Mr Othrus with convenient street locations not far away in London. They decide to check out the nearest Greek food place.
Jonathon "It's about a kilometre from the nearest kebab shop".
Everyone looks at him blankly. "That what from the what?"
Jonathon "Look, don't people from the magical past understand words that start with K?"
It's decided that Jonathon should accompany them - it's possible that the Fishmen may try to nab him, and it's not certain whether he's needed for the activation of the stone.
The party come across Sara, the abused runaway who TSVGG accompanied for a time. She is very upset with him (despite the fact she actually ran away from him...but it's complicated by her mental instabilities). The London Shopkeeper has a really good try of helping her, assisted a little by the Chinese Master Chef, but they're both severely hampered by The Decayed Elf's blundering offers of money and shelter. Given her history, not the best move. Jonathon, a little more educated in psychology realises that a young girl like that isn't going to go off with 3 Strange Men and an Elf, all of them male.
They do manage to give her a laugh though, when the Decayed Elf lights up The London Shopkeeper's fog ball in an attempt to prove magic - alas, sucking up more of their precious mana.
"Magic - it WORKS, bitches!" She crows.
They do manage to confirm that they're on the right track - and that Orthrus was last seen at the kebab shop. So they head there. Whether he's still there or not, I don't know. Hopefully we shall find out the week after next, because gaming is cancelled next week due to TIF, TCMC and TDE's players all being absent.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
This is a great booktrailer for a great book by a local author. Highly recommended.
This is a great booktrailer for a great book by a local author. Highly recommended.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Monday, 31 October 2011
11 November · 19:00 - 22:00 is the Swancon Quiz Night, who would like to attend our table?
11 November · 19:00 - 22:00 is the Swancon Quiz Night, who would like to attend our table? Gaming won't be on that night. I have invited Poss.
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
The Maze http://www.themaze.com.au/ sports a fun 9 hole disc golf course, so we reckon it would be a nice idea to go...
The Maze http://www.themaze.com.au/ sports a fun 9 hole disc golf course, so we reckon it would be a nice idea to go there on Saturday and have a bit of a wander around the mazes, look at the animals and birds, and have a few rounds of disc golf. There's other stuff there too. So we'd be delighted if you could join us. We're going to be there from 11.00am or so, we'll take our own bbq stuff because the cafe doesn't do gf. Bring a picnic/bbq or get something at the cafe. It's a family friendly environment so if you want to bring your kids along, they'd be welcome and will have a lot of fun. I've only been once before, and I was just playing disc golf, but everything else looked really interesting. So that's this Saturday from 11 until onwards, that's the 29th of October. Bring friends and family, and your golf discs if you have them. If you let me know that you're coming, there's a chance, if we get enough people, that we could book a shelter. Also, they're in the entertainment book. Just say'n.
Due to The Scary Voiced Greek Guy's absenteeism, we could not follow his adventures in present day London.
Due to The Scary Voiced Greek Guy's absenteeism, we could not follow his adventures in present day London.
Instead, The Chinese Masterchef and The Decayed Elf go shopping with Jonathan the Architect, for weapons for them, and technology for him. They also visit the buildings where The Royal Society were housed in their time. The Chinese Masterchef chalks up messages to the missing SVGG.
They are contacted during this by a concerned London Shopkeeper and the Indian Fakir back at Jonathan's penthouse - some one is knocking at the door - and looking through the peephole, it's a young man with a bunch of flowers.
It's soon established it's no one Jonathan knows - anyway, he says, they'd send chocolate if anything. Puzzled that they've bypassed security Jonathon absently waves off concern that his neighbours might be in danger. "No, that's alright, I haven't rented out the rest of the floor to anyone else yet, I have no neighbours"
Pound signs light up in The Decayed Elf's eyes K-CHING K-CHING K-CHING! his player mutters, not very softly.
Jonathon, who is not stupid, and has had a very realistic illusion demonstrated by him by the able Fakir, in (quite literally) the past, asks - "Well, is it an illusion?"
And it seems that it is, 5 fishmen are at Jonathan's door with ill intent.
The Indian Fakir counters with an illusion of his own, he is now apparently a hatstand and The London Shopkeeper a table. The Fishmen, emboldened by the lack of response from outside start trying to get in. Jonathon is gratified that his security is working, his first alarm rings him to let him know that the door is being abused. He decides not to call the police or security at this point.
The others rush back and a short battle proceeds. The Fishmen are completely surprised and are made pretty short work of. Unfortunately one of them teleports away.
To his startlement, even though he didn't think he should have succeeded that well in the spell, The London Shopkeeper is able to understand the dying fishman, and interrogates him. He's left with a confused image of another 30 St Mary's Axe, built in their time, with a shimmering bridge like connection between them. They need Jonathon for it, though.
Given the ease with which the Fishmen are moving in this time and technology, and with the possibility that English is at least some of theirs' native language it has serious implications.
Jonathon grimly assists with clean up of the bodies, once they're dehydrated.
Some powerstones are recovered and are welcomed by the party.
People are feeling the magic pinch.
There's also some argument about what is actually required to bring TSVGG home. Only time will tell. Do they need everyone who went to touch the stone?
Whilst the magic users rest, Jonathon serves tea/coffee and bikkies. He switches channels and checks the internet for fishmen, and is disgusted by all the hits, and then somewhat concerned. Someone tells him to look for two headed dogs.
Jonathon, protesting the limitations of the technology, says "You can't just Google two headed dog in London and expect it to immediately come up on Twitter or somewhere".
He proceeds to demonstrate the opposite. People have tweeted Mr Othrus with convenient street locations not far away in London. They decide to check out the nearest Greek food place.
Jonathon "It's about a kilometre from the nearest kebab shop".
Everyone looks at him blankly. "That what from the what?"
Jonathon "Look, don't people from the magical past understand words that start with K?"
It's decided that Jonathon should accompany them - it's possible that the Fishmen may try to nab him, and it's not certain whether he's needed for the activation of the stone.
The party come across Sara, the abused runaway who TSVGG accompanied for a time. She is very upset with him (despite the fact she actually ran away from him...but it's complicated by her mental instabilities). The London Shopkeeper has a really good try of helping her, assisted a little by the Chinese Master Chef, but they're both severely hampered by The Decayed Elf's blundering offers of money and shelter. Given her history, not the best move. Jonathon, a little more educated in psychology realises that a young girl like that isn't going to go off with 3 Strange Men and an Elf, all of them male.
They do manage to give her a laugh though, when the Decayed Elf lights up The London Shopkeeper's fog ball in an attempt to prove magic - alas, sucking up more of their precious mana.
"Magic - it WORKS, bitches!" She crows.
They do manage to confirm that they're on the right track - and that Orthrus was last seen at the kebab shop. So they head there. Whether he's still there or not, I don't know. Hopefully we shall find out the week after next, because gaming is cancelled next week due to TIF, TCMC and TDE's players all being absent.
Instead, The Chinese Masterchef and The Decayed Elf go shopping with Jonathan the Architect, for weapons for them, and technology for him. They also visit the buildings where The Royal Society were housed in their time. The Chinese Masterchef chalks up messages to the missing SVGG.
They are contacted during this by a concerned London Shopkeeper and the Indian Fakir back at Jonathan's penthouse - some one is knocking at the door - and looking through the peephole, it's a young man with a bunch of flowers.
It's soon established it's no one Jonathan knows - anyway, he says, they'd send chocolate if anything. Puzzled that they've bypassed security Jonathon absently waves off concern that his neighbours might be in danger. "No, that's alright, I haven't rented out the rest of the floor to anyone else yet, I have no neighbours"
Pound signs light up in The Decayed Elf's eyes K-CHING K-CHING K-CHING! his player mutters, not very softly.
Jonathon, who is not stupid, and has had a very realistic illusion demonstrated by him by the able Fakir, in (quite literally) the past, asks - "Well, is it an illusion?"
And it seems that it is, 5 fishmen are at Jonathan's door with ill intent.
The Indian Fakir counters with an illusion of his own, he is now apparently a hatstand and The London Shopkeeper a table. The Fishmen, emboldened by the lack of response from outside start trying to get in. Jonathon is gratified that his security is working, his first alarm rings him to let him know that the door is being abused. He decides not to call the police or security at this point.
The others rush back and a short battle proceeds. The Fishmen are completely surprised and are made pretty short work of. Unfortunately one of them teleports away.
To his startlement, even though he didn't think he should have succeeded that well in the spell, The London Shopkeeper is able to understand the dying fishman, and interrogates him. He's left with a confused image of another 30 St Mary's Axe, built in their time, with a shimmering bridge like connection between them. They need Jonathon for it, though.
Given the ease with which the Fishmen are moving in this time and technology, and with the possibility that English is at least some of theirs' native language it has serious implications.
Jonathon grimly assists with clean up of the bodies, once they're dehydrated.
Some powerstones are recovered and are welcomed by the party.
People are feeling the magic pinch.
There's also some argument about what is actually required to bring TSVGG home. Only time will tell. Do they need everyone who went to touch the stone?
Whilst the magic users rest, Jonathon serves tea/coffee and bikkies. He switches channels and checks the internet for fishmen, and is disgusted by all the hits, and then somewhat concerned. Someone tells him to look for two headed dogs.
Jonathon, protesting the limitations of the technology, says "You can't just Google two headed dog in London and expect it to immediately come up on Twitter or somewhere".
He proceeds to demonstrate the opposite. People have tweeted Mr Othrus with convenient street locations not far away in London. They decide to check out the nearest Greek food place.
Jonathon "It's about a kilometre from the nearest kebab shop".
Everyone looks at him blankly. "That what from the what?"
Jonathon "Look, don't people from the magical past understand words that start with K?"
It's decided that Jonathon should accompany them - it's possible that the Fishmen may try to nab him, and it's not certain whether he's needed for the activation of the stone.
The party come across Sara, the abused runaway who TSVGG accompanied for a time. She is very upset with him (despite the fact she actually ran away from him...but it's complicated by her mental instabilities). The London Shopkeeper has a really good try of helping her, assisted a little by the Chinese Master Chef, but they're both severely hampered by The Decayed Elf's blundering offers of money and shelter. Given her history, not the best move. Jonathon, a little more educated in psychology realises that a young girl like that isn't going to go off with 3 Strange Men and an Elf, all of them male.
They do manage to give her a laugh though, when the Decayed Elf lights up The London Shopkeeper's fog ball in an attempt to prove magic - alas, sucking up more of their precious mana.
"Magic - it WORKS, bitches!" She crows.
They do manage to confirm that they're on the right track - and that Orthrus was last seen at the kebab shop. So they head there. Whether he's still there or not, I don't know. Hopefully we shall find out the week after next, because gaming is cancelled next week due to TIF, TCMC and TDE's players all being absent.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Hello Steveg, hello Sue.
Hello Steveg, hello Sue. I have created a circle with just yourselves and me in it.Perhaps we can play this part of the scenario within this, or if we happen to be all on at the same time we can go to chat here.
When the rest of the party poof out of existence, it seems, by contrast, suddenly very quiet. Sebastian is left with a young apprentice of Oriental extraction, and an even younger apprentice, Eric who is not at all Oriental. He is apparently the apprentice of the gentleman who turned into the two headed dog. You are surrounded by the paraphernalia of a specialist exotic magical goods provider. The glaziers are busy fixing the front window recently exited so abruptly by Mr. Orthrus.
What are you both doing for the next few minutes, and if you'd take the time to describe yourselves to each other as a reminder.
When the rest of the party poof out of existence, it seems, by contrast, suddenly very quiet. Sebastian is left with a young apprentice of Oriental extraction, and an even younger apprentice, Eric who is not at all Oriental. He is apparently the apprentice of the gentleman who turned into the two headed dog. You are surrounded by the paraphernalia of a specialist exotic magical goods provider. The glaziers are busy fixing the front window recently exited so abruptly by Mr. Orthrus.
What are you both doing for the next few minutes, and if you'd take the time to describe yourselves to each other as a reminder.
Pizza tonight, not quite sure where from, Rob feels like upmarket, so we will put our investigating shoes on when he...
Pizza tonight, not quite sure where from, Rob feels like upmarket, so we will put our investigating shoes on when he gets home in the mid afternoon.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Glitch is too addictive.
Glitch is too addictive. I must not play it without adequate supervision otherwise I just keep going. I have invitations but I'm not sure I'd be doing you a favour if I gave you one.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Friday and what happened to the London Crew.
Friday and what happened to the London Crew.
The Scary Voiced Greek Guy, lost in a maze of hostile traffic, talks to a homeless London inhabitant who promises to take him to someplace he can shelter, an apparently abandoned warehouse. Naturally he attacks TSVGG as soon as he gets him into a dark alley and a fight ensues.
TSVGG wins, but has been wounded in the fraca. Sick due to magical complications, and bleeding, he seeks shelter in a pile of cardboard boxes and passes out. When he wakes up, one of his heads (he is transforming in reaction to...things) is being stroked by an 11? 12? year old girl - Sara, who has run away...from somewhere and doesn't seem to mind that he's a two headed snake tailed monsterdog. Sara has had bad experiences in life and is walking a very shaky line of reality because of it. TSVGG gives her some money he was keeping in one of his mouths and she goes to get them both some food.
While they're eating, there's a scream and, leaving Sara calmly eating (she thinks about 15 people have been killed in this burnt out wasteland, but who knows what really has happened. She may have been dissociating at the time.) and finds two Fish men killing a woman. TSVGG attacks them - too late to do anything for the woman, alas, and isn't doing too well until Sara, having finished the first hot food she's had for a month, comes and stabs one of the Fish men who also dies.
TSVGG finishes off the other Fishman and decides that he wants some Greek food, but Sara insists that he comes with her. Sara is surprised other people can see this dog...but Londoners are notoriously unfazeable and they make it to the kebab shop alright. Sara, unwilling to go in, is surprised when TSVGG goes in and starts talking to the proprietor. Whilst negotiating food and advertising and a place to sleep, TSVGG turns to include Sara, but she is gone, taking his money with her.
The kebab guy leaves TSVGG to mind the shop, it's closing time for him.
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew, sans Sebastian and various apprentices, have arrived at The Isle of Dogs with Jonathon the modern/nonmagical London Architect. He buys them all tickets, pops them on the train and chivvies them to his penthouse apartment in a skyscraper in Canary Wharf.
There he makes them tea / coffee according to their tastes, and learns of The Decayed Elf's uneasiness away from his usual...suppliers. The Chinese Masterchef is introduced to the kitchen, and Jonathon makes everyone some microwave chicken and rice. He might be a rocking architect, but his cooking skills are nothing like TCMC when confronted with an unexpected bunch of people dropping in.
The Indian Fakir strolls up to the glass wall 300 metre high building and enjoys the view. Jonathon's penthouse comprises a very simple open plan skyhouse, with very few walls, and comfortable furnishings. He's an architect and this is a place he's designed for himself to be comfortable in and to have friends and rellies over. The PC's enjoy the thick carpet and the lounges, but the wonder that intrigues them most is the lounge that turns into a bed, even more so than the moving pictures and the skyscrapers! My players are doing wonderfully at the sense of wonder that their characters are experiencing. Jonathon assures them that they are coping far better than he did in his tour of their London.
After instruction in the art of telephoning, the internet and television and waving aside mostly Harry the Fixer's low tech epiphanies about it all, Jonathon takes TDE shopping for clothes and accompanies The Chinese MasterChef for a walk to orient himself. It's amusing that his local pub is still going, largely unchanged!
And there we more or less left things. I have been given additional instructions by the Chinese Masterchef. I also need to get Sebastian's player and the Chinese Masterchef's apprentices' player together somehow because things are going to happen at Harry the Fixer's shop whilst they're away.
The Scary Voiced Greek Guy, lost in a maze of hostile traffic, talks to a homeless London inhabitant who promises to take him to someplace he can shelter, an apparently abandoned warehouse. Naturally he attacks TSVGG as soon as he gets him into a dark alley and a fight ensues.
TSVGG wins, but has been wounded in the fraca. Sick due to magical complications, and bleeding, he seeks shelter in a pile of cardboard boxes and passes out. When he wakes up, one of his heads (he is transforming in reaction to...things) is being stroked by an 11? 12? year old girl - Sara, who has run away...from somewhere and doesn't seem to mind that he's a two headed snake tailed monsterdog. Sara has had bad experiences in life and is walking a very shaky line of reality because of it. TSVGG gives her some money he was keeping in one of his mouths and she goes to get them both some food.
While they're eating, there's a scream and, leaving Sara calmly eating (she thinks about 15 people have been killed in this burnt out wasteland, but who knows what really has happened. She may have been dissociating at the time.) and finds two Fish men killing a woman. TSVGG attacks them - too late to do anything for the woman, alas, and isn't doing too well until Sara, having finished the first hot food she's had for a month, comes and stabs one of the Fish men who also dies.
TSVGG finishes off the other Fishman and decides that he wants some Greek food, but Sara insists that he comes with her. Sara is surprised other people can see this dog...but Londoners are notoriously unfazeable and they make it to the kebab shop alright. Sara, unwilling to go in, is surprised when TSVGG goes in and starts talking to the proprietor. Whilst negotiating food and advertising and a place to sleep, TSVGG turns to include Sara, but she is gone, taking his money with her.
The kebab guy leaves TSVGG to mind the shop, it's closing time for him.
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew, sans Sebastian and various apprentices, have arrived at The Isle of Dogs with Jonathon the modern/nonmagical London Architect. He buys them all tickets, pops them on the train and chivvies them to his penthouse apartment in a skyscraper in Canary Wharf.
There he makes them tea / coffee according to their tastes, and learns of The Decayed Elf's uneasiness away from his usual...suppliers. The Chinese Masterchef is introduced to the kitchen, and Jonathon makes everyone some microwave chicken and rice. He might be a rocking architect, but his cooking skills are nothing like TCMC when confronted with an unexpected bunch of people dropping in.
The Indian Fakir strolls up to the glass wall 300 metre high building and enjoys the view. Jonathon's penthouse comprises a very simple open plan skyhouse, with very few walls, and comfortable furnishings. He's an architect and this is a place he's designed for himself to be comfortable in and to have friends and rellies over. The PC's enjoy the thick carpet and the lounges, but the wonder that intrigues them most is the lounge that turns into a bed, even more so than the moving pictures and the skyscrapers! My players are doing wonderfully at the sense of wonder that their characters are experiencing. Jonathon assures them that they are coping far better than he did in his tour of their London.
After instruction in the art of telephoning, the internet and television and waving aside mostly Harry the Fixer's low tech epiphanies about it all, Jonathon takes TDE shopping for clothes and accompanies The Chinese MasterChef for a walk to orient himself. It's amusing that his local pub is still going, largely unchanged!
And there we more or less left things. I have been given additional instructions by the Chinese Masterchef. I also need to get Sebastian's player and the Chinese Masterchef's apprentices' player together somehow because things are going to happen at Harry the Fixer's shop whilst they're away.
KoL players, if you have not already done so, you may wish to wander into the Clan basement and investigate the...
KoL players, if you have not already done so, you may wish to wander into the Clan basement and investigate the Haunted Sorority House.
http://www.aviationwa.org.au/ has some nice aerial shots of the planes at Langley Park.
http://www.aviationwa.org.au/ has some nice aerial shots of the planes at Langley Park.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
What a great day it was, even if it was a hot one!
What a great day it was, even if it was a hot one!
Sports Aircraft Association of Australia Fly In 2011, Langley Park.
Sports Aircraft Association of Australia Fly In 2011, Langley Park.

Sports Aircraft Association of Australia Fly In 2011, Langley Park.
Sports Aircraft Association of Australia Fly In 2011, Langley Park.

Got to see some lovely planes today, and great aerobatics.
Got to see some lovely planes today, and great aerobatics. Also got some new shoes, and after walking all over Langley Park and the city, far too tired for Mediaeval Madness and Myriade. Stopped off on the way home at the Herdsman for grilled fish and chips, and have come home for much needed coffee.
You should have seen Rob in a aerotechgeeksqueegasm at the Long Eze and Vari Eze and the tiny BD5. And the tiny Cri-Cri was also a source of considerable amazement. Photos as soon as they've uploaded.
You should have seen Rob in a aerotechgeeksqueegasm at the Long Eze and Vari Eze and the tiny BD5. And the tiny Cri-Cri was also a source of considerable amazement. Photos as soon as they've uploaded.
Contemplating going into town to buy some more Vibram 5fingers, look at the planes at Langley Park and perhaps play...
Contemplating going into town to buy some more Vibram 5fingers, look at the planes at Langley Park and perhaps play some Mediaeval Madness and possibly visit Myriade. Also contemplating the heat. Bleh.
Friday, 14 October 2011
Thank you Jason for bringing this to my attention. Absolutely delightful.
Thank you Jason for bringing this to my attention. Absolutely delightful.
Originally shared by Jason Donnelly
It's a classic! :-)
Originally shared by Jason Donnelly
It's a classic! :-)
Leece is hot and covered with grit and splinters and sweat, and smells vaguely of freshly mulched mallaleuca
Leece is hot and covered with grit and splinters and sweat, and smells vaguely of freshly mulched mallaleuca . Mulch ALL the things? You bet. Done now, and boy, am I hitting the shower now that I've had lunch. My little mulcher has performed admirably.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
One of Peter Terren's (AKA Dr Electric of the University of Western Australia) astounding images.
One of Peter Terren's (AKA Dr Electric of the University of Western Australia) astounding images. He has more. Follow him to see fantastic things.
Originally shared by Peter Terren
If you can't make a comment about this, then you are beyond help.
G+ motto. All original, no reshares, no photoshopping. No animals harmed... yada yada
Originally shared by Peter Terren
If you can't make a comment about this, then you are beyond help.
G+ motto. All original, no reshares, no photoshopping. No animals harmed... yada yada

Tuesday, 11 October 2011
https://classicpaddle.gofundraise.com.au/page/AliciaSmith if you would like to help me with a fundraiser to help...
https://classicpaddle.gofundraise.com.au/page/AliciaSmith if you would like to help me with a fundraiser to help prevent children from drowning.
Monday, 10 October 2011
On Friday night the gamers all came...and, well a lot of complicated things happened.
On Friday night the gamers all came...and, well a lot of complicated things happened.
Orthrus aka The Scary Voiced Greek Guy is summoned by his mother, a rather intimidating, intense and somewhat serpentine at times lady - Echidna, the Mother Of Monsters. Orthrus takes a step and sinks down to his mother's cave in Tartarus. This causes his companions to have some difficulty in their return to the normal world as has been mentioned before. Echidna tells Orthrus not to get mixed up in the Garuda's affairs - she has affilliations with other serpent entities, so she warns him not to have anything to do with the Garuda.
Orthrus, confused, agrees. He makes his way back through London, having instantly appeared on the site of the soon to be Embankment. Okay, he sets off through London, but no one appears to notice he's still in his two headed dog form. Not even the cabby that takes him back to Harry's.
Then things get fun. Everyone meets back at Harry the Fixer's.
Orthrus is introduced to Jonathon, who, increasingly accustomed to the strangeness of this magical London, 'eh' two headed dog... shows him his modern map of London with buildings of interest highlighted on it. Orthrus asks if he can borrow it but Jonathon says no. Orthrus doesn't take no for an answer. He argues with Harry, and then jumps through Harry's front window in a crash of glass, and tears off back to his place. There are screams, a lot of people are seeing a two headed dog running around, until he casts Blur.
He finds his apprentice, who is startled of course. Orthrus transforms, which Eric finds considerably more disturbing - I'm here to be an apprentice, not any of that funny business, you know what they say about Greeks! Abashed, Orthrus changes, and gets Eric to look at the map, yes it is 30 St Mary Axe. Yes, that same building that was in the Dr Who episode, the Gherkin/Crystal Phallus, whatever you want to call it. I think it's wonderful.
Orthrus takes Eric in tow, organises a glazier, and heads back to Harry's, who isn't very happy to see him back and Is Very Reserved Towards Him. Jonathon makes his feelings quite felt as well. Bluntly.
In the midst of all of this Orthrus looks into one of the seedpods and has the standard vision. Except, of course, at the worst possible time he rolls a critical failure on will. And ends up, barefoot, on top of modern St Pauls, apparently deserted since Neverwhere was filming there 10 years ago. He makes his way inside, badly scares a priest and makes off toward the Greek Seaman's Mission, but is soon flummoxed by the iron carriages and noise.
The other players are nonplussed and try to figure out whether, and if, they should get him back. Jonathon is adamant that they should. "People would panic, it would be like a mad scientist's deranged genetic experiment being chased by a hysterical mob" On further questioning in which he explains a naturally altered creature into a monster he's rather taken aback by the PC's offhand "Oh, yeah, that happens all the time. Happened up in Dorset about 10 years ago, it was in all the papers.." Jonathontries to get the urgency of situation through to them, but has much better success when he tells The Decayed Elf that he'll buy him a suit. They don't have the spell available, though, and they start talking about their Druidic contacts, which The Decayed Elf has a few of.
It's also revealed that Jonathon works for the architectural firm that built 30 St Mary's Axe.
Meanwhile, Echidna, no longer feeling her son's footsteps on Earth appears at the door to Harry's shop. He invites her in, and intimidated, invites her to his office. She explains that she wants her son back, as for one thing, he won't be able to survive long in that world, and that he is needed back. Harry consents and she gives him a stone that will transport him and his friends there, and then back when they've found Orthrus.
She leaves.
Harry explains this to everyone, and it's pointed out that Jonathon could be a native guide. He's happy to do this, but will he be required to go back with them via the stone's enchantment? He agrees if the other spell can be got to send him home once they've got Orthrus back. The PCs agree.
Jonathon looks them over and gets them to deweapon, which they're not keen on. He apologises to Sung Pao (who, having been reading up on Echidna in the Reading Room of the British Museum, is disinclined to go against her wishes) for the trouble, and Sung Pao, as usual is the very picture of courtesy. He inspects their clothing, muttering, "Ah, it's London, people won't notice, won't care, or will wonder whether Worldcon has come early."
And so, Harry grasps the stone of Echidna, joins hands with the PC's and speaks the activation phrase. "Go".
Sebastian, Eric and the apprentices are left behind to look after Harry's place in their absence. I do hope that they will be alright.
The missing persons who may have been kidnapped by either Raksha or Fishmen must be left to their own devices for now, while people gallop after Orthrus.
As there was a lot of distraction that evening and in-talking I may have missed things. Could you reply in the comments if there is anything you'd like to make clearer or if I've missed anything?
Orthrus aka The Scary Voiced Greek Guy is summoned by his mother, a rather intimidating, intense and somewhat serpentine at times lady - Echidna, the Mother Of Monsters. Orthrus takes a step and sinks down to his mother's cave in Tartarus. This causes his companions to have some difficulty in their return to the normal world as has been mentioned before. Echidna tells Orthrus not to get mixed up in the Garuda's affairs - she has affilliations with other serpent entities, so she warns him not to have anything to do with the Garuda.
Orthrus, confused, agrees. He makes his way back through London, having instantly appeared on the site of the soon to be Embankment. Okay, he sets off through London, but no one appears to notice he's still in his two headed dog form. Not even the cabby that takes him back to Harry's.
Then things get fun. Everyone meets back at Harry the Fixer's.
Orthrus is introduced to Jonathon, who, increasingly accustomed to the strangeness of this magical London, 'eh' two headed dog... shows him his modern map of London with buildings of interest highlighted on it. Orthrus asks if he can borrow it but Jonathon says no. Orthrus doesn't take no for an answer. He argues with Harry, and then jumps through Harry's front window in a crash of glass, and tears off back to his place. There are screams, a lot of people are seeing a two headed dog running around, until he casts Blur.
He finds his apprentice, who is startled of course. Orthrus transforms, which Eric finds considerably more disturbing - I'm here to be an apprentice, not any of that funny business, you know what they say about Greeks! Abashed, Orthrus changes, and gets Eric to look at the map, yes it is 30 St Mary Axe. Yes, that same building that was in the Dr Who episode, the Gherkin/Crystal Phallus, whatever you want to call it. I think it's wonderful.
Orthrus takes Eric in tow, organises a glazier, and heads back to Harry's, who isn't very happy to see him back and Is Very Reserved Towards Him. Jonathon makes his feelings quite felt as well. Bluntly.
In the midst of all of this Orthrus looks into one of the seedpods and has the standard vision. Except, of course, at the worst possible time he rolls a critical failure on will. And ends up, barefoot, on top of modern St Pauls, apparently deserted since Neverwhere was filming there 10 years ago. He makes his way inside, badly scares a priest and makes off toward the Greek Seaman's Mission, but is soon flummoxed by the iron carriages and noise.
The other players are nonplussed and try to figure out whether, and if, they should get him back. Jonathon is adamant that they should. "People would panic, it would be like a mad scientist's deranged genetic experiment being chased by a hysterical mob" On further questioning in which he explains a naturally altered creature into a monster he's rather taken aback by the PC's offhand "Oh, yeah, that happens all the time. Happened up in Dorset about 10 years ago, it was in all the papers.." Jonathontries to get the urgency of situation through to them, but has much better success when he tells The Decayed Elf that he'll buy him a suit. They don't have the spell available, though, and they start talking about their Druidic contacts, which The Decayed Elf has a few of.
It's also revealed that Jonathon works for the architectural firm that built 30 St Mary's Axe.
Meanwhile, Echidna, no longer feeling her son's footsteps on Earth appears at the door to Harry's shop. He invites her in, and intimidated, invites her to his office. She explains that she wants her son back, as for one thing, he won't be able to survive long in that world, and that he is needed back. Harry consents and she gives him a stone that will transport him and his friends there, and then back when they've found Orthrus.
She leaves.
Harry explains this to everyone, and it's pointed out that Jonathon could be a native guide. He's happy to do this, but will he be required to go back with them via the stone's enchantment? He agrees if the other spell can be got to send him home once they've got Orthrus back. The PCs agree.
Jonathon looks them over and gets them to deweapon, which they're not keen on. He apologises to Sung Pao (who, having been reading up on Echidna in the Reading Room of the British Museum, is disinclined to go against her wishes) for the trouble, and Sung Pao, as usual is the very picture of courtesy. He inspects their clothing, muttering, "Ah, it's London, people won't notice, won't care, or will wonder whether Worldcon has come early."
And so, Harry grasps the stone of Echidna, joins hands with the PC's and speaks the activation phrase. "Go".
Sebastian, Eric and the apprentices are left behind to look after Harry's place in their absence. I do hope that they will be alright.
The missing persons who may have been kidnapped by either Raksha or Fishmen must be left to their own devices for now, while people gallop after Orthrus.
As there was a lot of distraction that evening and in-talking I may have missed things. Could you reply in the comments if there is anything you'd like to make clearer or if I've missed anything?
Rob works out our scores at Quirkle - he won, while Laura and Andrew join us for Wildlife.

Rob works out our scores at Quirkle - he won, while Laura and Andrew join us for Wildlife. Sunday evening at Myriade is a good time to go, it's quiet and you can usually manage quite good, free parking.
A cute mouse to help me play Wildlife last night at Myriade.

A cute mouse to help me play Wildlife last night at Myriade.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Mmmm, think we might head off to the boardgame cafe, Myriade this late afternoon/evening - be nice to see others...
Mmmm, think we might head off to the boardgame cafe, Myriade this late afternoon/evening - be nice to see others there too.
Friday, 7 October 2011
http://flyingtaco.com.au/menu.html Orders taken for dinner tonight, sweet gamers.
http://flyingtaco.com.au/menu.html Orders taken for dinner tonight, sweet gamers. Please let me know if you are not attending tonight.
Miskatonic School for Girls Deck Building Game on Kickstarter
Miskatonic School for Girls Deck Building Game on Kickstarter
Now this is cool.
via Chuck Jordan on Twitter
Now this is cool.
via Chuck Jordan on Twitter
Thursday, 6 October 2011
I promise this is the last time I will mention this VERY worthy entry...
I promise this is the last time I will mention this VERY worthy entry http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com.au/microsites/thirty-year-competition#513 but I thought that I would let you know that you can vote once a day, apparently. So if you have voted, please consider voting again today. And tomorrow, and the day after that...thank you.
Ristretto at Voltage cafe pretty good! Surprising to find a ristretto in Perth.
Originally shared by Alicia Smith
Ristretto at Voltage cafe pretty good! Surprising to find a ristretto in Perth.
Ristretto at Voltage cafe pretty good! Surprising to find a ristretto in Perth.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
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