Monday, 31 August 2020

Can you run that by me again?

 Being able to go to the drive-in is really good ( and never more so than now in these pandem-eek! aware  times) and when it's a good movie it's a bonus! 

Tenet is a cool movie and extraordinary in its craftsmanship. I liked the characters and the plot was interestingly braided. There's very little greenscreening or cgi, and, no they're not running the film backwards, the actors are driving and walking backwards. Two takes, one backwards, one forwards. Worth reading the imdb and wiki entries for AFTER you've seen the film. Or is it before?

4 out of 5 neat and being taught to juggle by M C Escher on the Sid and Nancy Scale.

Friday, 28 August 2020

The most important distancing method.

Just spotted this from our nation's capital, graciously shared by the ABC News Coronavirus live blog. We don't have koalas in Western Australia, but we do have Drop Bears,  Carnifex elegans rather than C. robusta, but the same applies. Stay safe people!