We played the 3rd edition, I think it is, all through the 80's 90's and Thou's! Much hilarity! A fine game.
Leece is a Western Australian artist living in Perth, on Whadjuk Nyoongar boodjar. She likes drawing animals and is interested in sf&f, nature and kayaking, Me-Moving and reading and lots of other stuff!
Monday, 29 June 2015
25 000 000 of my population have mysteriously vanished. Have you seen them?
25 000 000 of my population have mysteriously vanished. Have you seen them?
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Added photos to Free Cottesloe Photowalk - Thanks to Camera Electronic and Dots to Spots Printing.
Added photos to Free Cottesloe Photowalk - Thanks to Camera Electronic and Dots to Spots Printing.
Friday, 26 June 2015
Far in the future - November!
Far in the future - November! But we will be going - their past concerts here have been a hoot!
Review: Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing
Review: Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing
On Thursday the 25th of June Rob and I came and saw Stoppard's The Real Thing at Stirling Theatre, in Innaloo by the Graduate Dramatic Society.
Stirling Theatre is a very cherishing space - there was a raffle, and a bar, and tea and biscuits put out at interval, which makes for a warm welcome. Thank you!
Stoppard is entertaining and this is one of his that I haven't seen before so it was a treat. Interestingly it was written in response to criticism that Stoppard was overly clever and his artifice and skill with words didn't deal with 'real' people. While I really enjoy Stoppard's fun with language it's something of a novelty to see him wrestle with reality in this way.
So we're presented with a play about a playwright who's very clever with words (so clever that Grads felt they needed to supply a glossary at the back of the program!) but not so clever with being 'real'. Rather a nice program too, informative and with a colour cover as seen below.
A pretty snappy production, fine scene changes as we flit from play to play and the gasps and laughter from the audience certainly were a testament to the performers skills. Although the "For your safety please leave the auditorium" announcements were a bit ominous.
Some of the dialogue was genius, especially the bit about digital watches - it's the early 80's in the play.
Barry Park directed and I like his vision - fresh and uncontrived, and bringing out the skill of his actors and crew with great care. Well done!
Peter Clark played Henry - the playwright... well the real playwright. We Initially insulated by literary high mindedness and intellectual snobbery Henry is portrayed brilliantly on his journey to the Real Thing by Clark's polished and scintillating delivery.
Bethwyn Legg played Annie who was gorgeous - and giving as good or better than she got in the war of words and emotions. And the scene where she was so embarrassed in the train was perfect - the very picture of embarrassment, it looked so real. Such energy too. We were quite shocked to find Legg nursing sciatica afterwards with a medical pack, complaining about her performance. She was great, so I imagine she'll be award material if she's not sore! I've seen her before in various plays and she's always great.
Neil Cartmell played Max playing a fictional playwright with a great deal of finesse and played Max with a sensitivity that tugged on the old heartstrings here. These plays within plays give actors as good as this to show of their scope, but it must be hard work. Cartmell makes it real.
Maree Grayden played Charlotte, a tricky roll with a certain brittleness that came through well, but with a warm depth, and turning out the most humanising of the characters.
Debbie was played by Melissa Kilveri, self assured, with the arrogance of youth and a little cynical and coming across as the archetypical London teenager, born knowing more than her parents and definitely more mature than her father. Super body language and great energy between her and the actors playing her parents - had me wondering if they were all related in real life.
Patrick Barton played Billy - the young actor so taken with Annie, and he was fun to watch, playful and energetic. His earnest infatuation coming through very loud and clear, and his character's passion for Annie coming through very strongly when he's playing characters to which she is the pair. The scene from 'tis pity She's a Whore was particularly powerful.
Alex Ripper played Brodie - not at all a sympathetic character - and I'm sure in real life we wouldn't have cheered for him to get his face shoved in the dip, but he played the thuggish and ignorant ex-soldier very well.
All in all, a great little number and worth going to see.
Thank you all!
8 out of 10 Fun and thought provoking, and finding that a high speed hummingbird can perch for a little while on your finger and be just as jewelled on the Sid and Nancy scale.
This play will be running on the 27th, 28th of June and will be running from the 2-4 of July.
On Thursday the 25th of June Rob and I came and saw Stoppard's The Real Thing at Stirling Theatre, in Innaloo by the Graduate Dramatic Society.
Stirling Theatre is a very cherishing space - there was a raffle, and a bar, and tea and biscuits put out at interval, which makes for a warm welcome. Thank you!
Stoppard is entertaining and this is one of his that I haven't seen before so it was a treat. Interestingly it was written in response to criticism that Stoppard was overly clever and his artifice and skill with words didn't deal with 'real' people. While I really enjoy Stoppard's fun with language it's something of a novelty to see him wrestle with reality in this way.
So we're presented with a play about a playwright who's very clever with words (so clever that Grads felt they needed to supply a glossary at the back of the program!) but not so clever with being 'real'. Rather a nice program too, informative and with a colour cover as seen below.
A pretty snappy production, fine scene changes as we flit from play to play and the gasps and laughter from the audience certainly were a testament to the performers skills. Although the "For your safety please leave the auditorium" announcements were a bit ominous.
Some of the dialogue was genius, especially the bit about digital watches - it's the early 80's in the play.
Barry Park directed and I like his vision - fresh and uncontrived, and bringing out the skill of his actors and crew with great care. Well done!
Peter Clark played Henry - the playwright... well the real playwright. We Initially insulated by literary high mindedness and intellectual snobbery Henry is portrayed brilliantly on his journey to the Real Thing by Clark's polished and scintillating delivery.
Bethwyn Legg played Annie who was gorgeous - and giving as good or better than she got in the war of words and emotions. And the scene where she was so embarrassed in the train was perfect - the very picture of embarrassment, it looked so real. Such energy too. We were quite shocked to find Legg nursing sciatica afterwards with a medical pack, complaining about her performance. She was great, so I imagine she'll be award material if she's not sore! I've seen her before in various plays and she's always great.
Neil Cartmell played Max playing a fictional playwright with a great deal of finesse and played Max with a sensitivity that tugged on the old heartstrings here. These plays within plays give actors as good as this to show of their scope, but it must be hard work. Cartmell makes it real.
Maree Grayden played Charlotte, a tricky roll with a certain brittleness that came through well, but with a warm depth, and turning out the most humanising of the characters.
Debbie was played by Melissa Kilveri, self assured, with the arrogance of youth and a little cynical and coming across as the archetypical London teenager, born knowing more than her parents and definitely more mature than her father. Super body language and great energy between her and the actors playing her parents - had me wondering if they were all related in real life.
Patrick Barton played Billy - the young actor so taken with Annie, and he was fun to watch, playful and energetic. His earnest infatuation coming through very loud and clear, and his character's passion for Annie coming through very strongly when he's playing characters to which she is the pair. The scene from 'tis pity She's a Whore was particularly powerful.
Alex Ripper played Brodie - not at all a sympathetic character - and I'm sure in real life we wouldn't have cheered for him to get his face shoved in the dip, but he played the thuggish and ignorant ex-soldier very well.
All in all, a great little number and worth going to see.
Thank you all!
8 out of 10 Fun and thought provoking, and finding that a high speed hummingbird can perch for a little while on your finger and be just as jewelled on the Sid and Nancy scale.
This play will be running on the 27th, 28th of June and will be running from the 2-4 of July. If you haven't read it already If you haven't read it already
Australians all let us rejoice
we've got the ABC
To give us all a cultural voice
Not like some of the others we see
If you want a State Broadcaster
then go to North Korea
Our politicians don't like it much
But we'll stay fine right here!
Australians all let us rejoice
we've got the ABC
To give us all a cultural voice
Not like some of the others we see
If you want a State Broadcaster
then go to North Korea
Our politicians don't like it much
But we'll stay fine right here!
I've submitted this community, so look out for it if it comes up.
I've submitted this community, so look out for it if it comes up.
Thursday, 25 June 2015
So The Gallerist kickstarter is active, and I like the design and the look of the gameplay and so forth - entered a...
So The Gallerist kickstarter is active, and I like the design and the look of the gameplay and so forth - entered a submission to have artwork represented and everything, and got a nice surprise a couple of days ago when I found that it had been accepted. Lovely! A nice idea and a lot of fun.
I'm keeping an eye on the game on bgg, and I notice this article. So wonderful. It gives me a good feeling all over.
I'm keeping an eye on the game on bgg, and I notice this article. So wonderful. It gives me a good feeling all over.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Thanks to ConCentric for sharing!
Thanks to ConCentric for sharing!
Originally shared by ConCentric Games Convention
Do you play in your local library?
Originally shared by ConCentric Games Convention
Do you play in your local library?
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Only two weeks away now...
Only two weeks away now...
Originally shared by Rob Masters
Free Cottesloe Photowalk - Supported by Dots To Spots Printing and Camera Electronic ( ).
A social Photowalk along the Cottesloe foreshore from Grant St to the Cottesloe Groyne. This is for photographers of all levels, and will be a lot of fun.
We will be starting from the Grant Marine Park, near the corner of Marine Pde and Grant St, and finishing near the Surf Lifesaving Club. After, we can retire to either the OBH or the Cottesloe Hotel to chat and compare notes.
Cottesloe offers all sorts of opportunities for subjects - some great buildings, stunning seaside geography, ships and boats of all sizes, street photography, birdlife (keep your eyes peeled for the Sea Eagle that hunts around the area), and the amazing sunset as we wind up.
Also, Dan from Camera Electronic will be helping out through the afternoon, and will have gear available to demo and for participants to try out.
There will be two contests running - one for the Best Architectural Photo and one for the Best Photo of Water. The contests are being judged by Dick from Camera Electronic, and the prize for each is a 16"x24" print of your choice - delivered to you - from the wonderful folks at Dots to Spots Printing.
Contest Details:
Photos should be (ideally) posted to the Google+ Event page (url to follow), or, if you do not have a Google account, emailed to for me to post on your behalf. Other entry methods may become available - watch this space for more information. The deadline for the entries is 5PM AWST June 4, and winners will be announced on June 11, and will be notified by email. Winners will have until 5PM AWST June 18 to claim their prizes.
Originally shared by Rob Masters
Free Cottesloe Photowalk - Supported by Dots To Spots Printing and Camera Electronic ( ).
A social Photowalk along the Cottesloe foreshore from Grant St to the Cottesloe Groyne. This is for photographers of all levels, and will be a lot of fun.
We will be starting from the Grant Marine Park, near the corner of Marine Pde and Grant St, and finishing near the Surf Lifesaving Club. After, we can retire to either the OBH or the Cottesloe Hotel to chat and compare notes.
Cottesloe offers all sorts of opportunities for subjects - some great buildings, stunning seaside geography, ships and boats of all sizes, street photography, birdlife (keep your eyes peeled for the Sea Eagle that hunts around the area), and the amazing sunset as we wind up.
Also, Dan from Camera Electronic will be helping out through the afternoon, and will have gear available to demo and for participants to try out.
There will be two contests running - one for the Best Architectural Photo and one for the Best Photo of Water. The contests are being judged by Dick from Camera Electronic, and the prize for each is a 16"x24" print of your choice - delivered to you - from the wonderful folks at Dots to Spots Printing.
Contest Details:
Photos should be (ideally) posted to the Google+ Event page (url to follow), or, if you do not have a Google account, emailed to for me to post on your behalf. Other entry methods may become available - watch this space for more information. The deadline for the entries is 5PM AWST June 4, and winners will be announced on June 11, and will be notified by email. Winners will have until 5PM AWST June 18 to claim their prizes.
Stephen Gunnell Today Fortune says
Stephen Gunnell Today Fortune says
"'Troubled day for virgins over 16 who are beautiful and wealthy and live
in eucalyptus trees."
"'Troubled day for virgins over 16 who are beautiful and wealthy and live
in eucalyptus trees."
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Going through my photos and spotted this. Wishing I was back there on the Denmark River.
Going through my photos and spotted this. Wishing I was back there on the Denmark River.
Friday, 5 June 2015
Elaine Walker is in Melbourne for Continuum, but as far as I know everyone else is here and will be present.
Elaine Walker is in Melbourne for Continuum, but as far as I know everyone else is here and will be present. Rob and I are going to grab hot noodles at PekoPeko, here's their menu if anyone wants anything
Stephen Gunnell might like to fill Garry Winterton in on the thrilling events of last week.
Stephen Gunnell might like to fill Garry Winterton in on the thrilling events of last week.
It is of vast amusement to me at the moment to see a ship called "Swan River Bridge" docked at Fremantle Harbour at...

It is of vast amusement to me at the moment to see a ship called "Swan River Bridge" docked at Fremantle Harbour at the moment. Gave me quite a start when I used to see who was in.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Perth, we're situated on the Swan River, which leads down to Fremantle. And wherever any of the structures that might be collectively called the Swan River Bridges might be - it ain't there! And certainly not with the potential for moving at any speed!
Monday, 1 June 2015
Come for a walk?
Come for a walk?
Originally shared by Rob Masters
Free Cottesloe Photowalk - Supported by Dots To Spots Printing and Camera Electronic ( ).
A social Photowalk along the Cottesloe foreshore from Grant St to the Cottesloe Groyne. This is for photographers of all levels, and will be a lot of fun.
We will be starting from the Grant Marine Park, near the corner of Marine Pde and Grant St, and finishing near the Surf Lifesaving Club. After, we can retire to either the OBH or the Cottesloe Hotel to chat and compare notes.
A map of our route is here:
Cottesloe offers all sorts of opportunities for subjects - some great buildings, stunning seaside geography, ships and boats of all sizes, street photography, birdlife (keep your eyes peeled for the Sea Eagle that hunts around the area), and the amazing sunset as we wind up.
Also, Dan from Camera Electronic will be helping out through the afternoon, and will have gear available to demo and for participants to try out.
There will be two contests running - one for the Best Architectural Photo and one for the Best Photo of Water. The contests are being judged by Dick from Camera Electronic, and the prize for each is a 16"x24" print of your choice - delivered to you - from the wonderful folks at Dots to Spots Printing.
Contest Details:
Photos should be (ideally) posted to the Google+ Event page (url to follow), or, if you do not have a Google account, emailed to for me to post on your behalf. Other entry methods may become available - watch this space for more information. The deadline for the entries is 5PM AWST June 4, and winners will be announced on June 11, and will be notified by email. Winners will have until 5PM AWST June 18 to claim their prizes.
Originally shared by Rob Masters
Free Cottesloe Photowalk - Supported by Dots To Spots Printing and Camera Electronic ( ).
A social Photowalk along the Cottesloe foreshore from Grant St to the Cottesloe Groyne. This is for photographers of all levels, and will be a lot of fun.
We will be starting from the Grant Marine Park, near the corner of Marine Pde and Grant St, and finishing near the Surf Lifesaving Club. After, we can retire to either the OBH or the Cottesloe Hotel to chat and compare notes.
A map of our route is here:
Cottesloe offers all sorts of opportunities for subjects - some great buildings, stunning seaside geography, ships and boats of all sizes, street photography, birdlife (keep your eyes peeled for the Sea Eagle that hunts around the area), and the amazing sunset as we wind up.
Also, Dan from Camera Electronic will be helping out through the afternoon, and will have gear available to demo and for participants to try out.
There will be two contests running - one for the Best Architectural Photo and one for the Best Photo of Water. The contests are being judged by Dick from Camera Electronic, and the prize for each is a 16"x24" print of your choice - delivered to you - from the wonderful folks at Dots to Spots Printing.
Contest Details:
Photos should be (ideally) posted to the Google+ Event page (url to follow), or, if you do not have a Google account, emailed to for me to post on your behalf. Other entry methods may become available - watch this space for more information. The deadline for the entries is 5PM AWST June 4, and winners will be announced on June 11, and will be notified by email. Winners will have until 5PM AWST June 18 to claim their prizes.
My friend's cat was good enough to stay still.

My friend's cat was good enough to stay still.
WPP 2015 - Week 21 - Portrait
Weekly Photo Project 2015 curated by Alen Ianni , Bernhard Rembold , Cliff Loresco , Francesco Scaglioni , Heather D , Ken Fowkes , Navin Upendran , Robyn King and T.E. Smith
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